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Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:00 pm
by David W. Johnson
I didn't know it had been discussed before.


Re: Instamorph for custom gun grip

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:02 pm
by David W. Johnson
Pictures removed. dwj

Re: Instamorph for custom gun grip

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:31 am
by 6string
There have been several threads about this stuff and related products.
Use the search tool here for "friendly plastic"

Best regards,

Re: Instamorph for custom gun grip

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 1:39 pm
by David W. Johnson
Sorry. I didn't realize. Thanks.


Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:53 pm
by rbsix
Hi David, really sorry that you removed your photos . I did not know that product existed . I appreciate that you took the time and effort to show me and other members your experience with improving the grips . It's projects like yours and others that makes this forum worth following . If everyone were to take the advice of the the other non contributing member , then this forum would be just another search engine . His comments certainly do not encourage others to share projects of value and do nothing to place the forum in the best interests of pistol shooters . If he doesn't have anything to contribute to the posting then he should just keep his shallow opinions to himself

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:51 am
by David W. Johnson
Thanks for your response, rbsix.

I don't post here much. My second or third post on this forum requested recommendations for reading material. Someone responded that I should get a coach. Turns out it was a mod. I tried to explain that I could not find a coach in the impoverished part of Belgium to which I am assigned. The mod then questioned by integrity. People don't do things like that around me in real life. I'm a Lieutenant Colonel of Military Intelligence with a Top Secret clearance. Questioning my integrity is way out of bounds. I think some people write things on the internet that a sense of self-preservation and decorum would keep them from saying in real life. I've found that some forums allow people to get away with this kind of behavior...especially if the rude person is a mod. So, I haven't posted to this forum in months.

This time, I calculated a helpful post with pictures that started out with an apology if it was a repost - could not possibly be met with negativity. I've been wrong before.

Thanks again for your post. It encourages me that this sport still has nice people in it. I can't get to a range until I get back stateside. For now, I'll just enjoy shooting on my own range and let people on the internet do what they will.


Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 2:51 am
by therider
rbsix wrote:Hi David, really sorry that you removed your photos . I did not know that product existed . I appreciate that you took the time and effort to show me and other members your experience with improving the grips .
I agree.... I did not know the product either.

Also, if I may say, I find the search engine not that good.... But, most likely, it's me unable to use it properly. I have a real bad relationships with search engines!!!

Whenever I search for some thing I get a too long a list referring to every single post which accidentally mentioned that world.

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 8:30 am
by dronning
rbsix wrote:Hi David, really sorry that you removed your photos . I did not know that product existed . I appreciate that you took the time and effort to show me and other members your experience with improving the grips . It's projects like yours and others that makes this forum worth following . If everyone were to take the advice of the the other non contributing member , then this forum would be just another search engine . His comments certainly do not encourage others to share projects of value and do nothing to place the forum in the best interests of pistol shooters . If he doesn't have anything to contribute to the posting then he should just keep his shallow opinions to himself
David, Sorry you removed your photos too. Just because something has been discussed before doesn't mean your input isn't valuable! NEVER feel bad about contributing your experiences! I for one enjoy seeing other peoples work.

Without your post some of us would never know this stuff existed.

- Dave

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:27 am
by rmca
dronning wrote:David, Sorry you removed your photos too. Just because something has been discussed before doesn't mean your input isn't valuable! NEVER feel bad about contributing your experiences! I for one enjoy seeing other people work

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:32 pm
by v76
David, don't mind the rude people; some take a lot of space here but it's mostly just chest puffing. On any forum there's always at least one "use search engine" zealot. Leave your self consciousness at the door and take your place on here. I always welcome new content around this forum even the stuff that's wildly discussed. ... h-pictures!

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:19 pm
by Heddok
David- Thanks for your original post and photo's I found it extremely helpful and didn't know about this stuff.

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:15 pm
by crankythunder
Dear David:

I saw your original post and pictures and thought that it looked interesting, should I need to redo my grips.

Personally, I welcome anybody that has found a solution to a problem and wants to share it throughout the shooting community. Not sure what occurred but hope you will repost your experiences and advice.

I am continuously amazed at the honesty and integrity of my fellow shooting competitors, and am impressed at the support offered to opponents on the firing line. I hope that I find you shooting next to me in a future competition.


Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 9:23 pm
by sparky
Darn. I saw this post at work and meant to check it out when I got home as I had never heard of the stuff. Can you either repost the pics and info or send me a PM with the info?

Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:12 am
by David W. Johnson
Happy to send you pictures and my experience with this product.

Thanks to everyone else who responded. If I find something else that might be useful to the community, I'll post it here after a search.


Re: Instamorph - deleted - Sorry

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2014 6:05 pm
by richrd
which brings up the question,
"How can I search for something if I do not even know there is such a thing?"

Yes, there are a couple rude people here, ignore them.