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SCATT trigger system

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 10:42 am
by Mikael Andersson
Got myself a SCATT trigger system and i have to ask if someone else have used it. All i got is a flat green line for the last second. In most of the shots the line begin in 100 % and end at..... 100%. I want to change the x and y axis to see what really happens. Or zeroing it there i want. Now then i reach the breaking point its close to 90% it would be nice if i could change that to 0% so the release would be 100% to get a better resolution.

Anyone who have an idea what to do?

Re: SCATT trigger system

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 10:16 am
by RyanA
I'm having the same problem with my SCATT trigger sensor while shooting air pistol. For the last second before the shot, the trigger sensor is maxed out at 100% on the graph (or even higher than 100%???). Does anyone know if it is possible to adjust the trigger pressure axis to go from say 80%-100% instead of 0-100?

Re: SCATT trigger system

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2019 5:10 pm
by John Marchant
You may find that the trigger sensor has been preset for the lower trigger pressure used on rimfire rifles. I presume that there may be a way in the software to reset the base trigger pressure to a higher value so that pistol trigger pressure can be recognised.