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Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:34 am
by Orion
Nice looking frame mount Jerry!

frame vs slide mount

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:30 pm
In a discussion about the pros and cons of frame vs slide mounts, one of the points raised was that a frame mount brings an additional factor to the degree of accuracy provided by the setup. That factor is slide to frame fit. As the slide to frame fit degenerates over time the point was that accuracy suffers to a greater degree with a frame mount. I'm looking for comments or actual experience.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:27 am
by Sixftunda
I have been using a Weigand frame mount since January. I have shot at six matches plus weekly dry fire and live fire practice. In May and June I shot my first Master scores with it. I have shot three clean timed fires with it. When I looked at my scorecard and evaluated my mistakes, I know the gun and I could shoot an 873. I installed it myself very meticulously and the screws have not budged. The recoil is much softer compared to a slide mount.

When we hear or read certain things and they sound logical to us, we believe they are true. I always hear the argument that a frame mount will become less accurate as the slide to frame fit degrades. Logically, it sounds true. i also logically believe that the slide to frame fit on a slide mounted gun would degrade faster because of the extra weight on the slide. I have even heard someone say that frame mounts are bad because the screws are horizontal vs. slide mount screws which are vertical. He said horizontal screws are more prone to working loose from recoil. The only screws I have seen work loose (on anything) are ones that have not been installed correctly. My favorite argument against frame mounts is, "Slide mounts are better because everyone uses them."

I do not know if anyone can provide the facts you are asking for. I like the setup I currently have and it is still more accurate than I am.

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:12 am
by Jerry Keefer
I wasn't going to get into this, but, :):) that is based on the old myth that slide to frame fit has almost nothing to do with accuracy... when just the opposite is actually true.. We are able to achieve far superior frame to slide fit, compared to the "old days"...of hammering down the frame rails and squeezing the slide. Consequently, the fit can last many years, with good care.. ( I notice many shooters are lacking in the care department.. Keep em clean and wet..) I have some shooters with 10/15 year old guns that are shooting as good as ever.. Also, don't forget, the winners are about..."winning" if a gun starts to act goes to the shop for an evaluation, and rebuild if necessary.
7 days until departure..:):)

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:48 am
by Isabel1130
Jerry Keefer wrote:I wasn't going to get into this, but, :):) that is based on the old myth that slide to frame fit has almost nothing to do with accuracy... when just the opposite is actually true.. We are able to achieve far superior frame to slide fit, compared to the "old days"...of hammering down the frame rails and squeezing the slide. Consequently, the fit can last many years, with good care.. ( I notice many shooters are lacking in the care department.. Keep em clean and wet..) I have some shooters with 10/15 year old guns that are shooting as good as ever.. Also, don't forget, the winners are about..."winning" if a gun starts to act goes to the shop for an evaluation, and rebuild if necessary.
7 days until departure..:):)

One more important thing is that you have a good barrel fit in your slide.. If your barrel doesnt lock up the same every time, it doesnt matter how aligned your slide is with the frame.
I have a 15 year old Caspian 45. It has a newer barrel in it, but the slide was machined to fit the frame. It was not "squeezed" and the lockup and accuracy is still better than a two year old gun, from a manufacturer who squeezes the slides. And yes, it has a frame mounted dot.

See you at Canton Jerry? Kate

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:52 am
by Jerry Keefer
See you at Canton Jerry? Kate[/quote]
No..:(:( Much to my dismay, I must miss another year. I would love to be there for my shooters, but so much work in the shop has cause me to neglect many essential tasks. I am basically retiring from general smithing, my back log is almost completed, (getting old) and will just do experimental projects and smith for Amira and Joe..
Look Amira up at Canton/Perry and say hello.. I am sure she will be glad to meet you..
