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SK Long Range Match

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2022 6:55 pm
by 40xguy
Does anyone know anything about "SK Long Range Match" ammo.
I've never heard of it and looking for some feedback.

Re: SK Long Range Match

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:02 pm
by bberg7794
I did some ammo testing last weekend with SK Long Range Match and Lapua Midas +. Full disclosure, my bench setup and benchrest skills aren't the best, but....

All groups were 10 shots at 100 yards shot from a bench, with the rifle rested front and rear; groups measured center to center. It was pretty calm, but I did wait out the breeze a number of times. No wind flags, just hearing/feeling the wind on my face. I started with a clean and dry barrel and shot several fouling shots before the first group with both brands.

I shot 9 10-shot groups with the SK Long Range Match, which averaged 1.77 inches for all groups, including flyers. The best group was 1.525 inches.

I shot 8 10-shot groups with the Lapua Midas+, which averaged 1.47 inches for all groups, including flyers. I had one 1.05 inch, two 1.2 inch, and one 1.275 inch groups with no noticeable flyers.

Two of the Midas+ groups had a single flyer that greatly enlarged the group (.805" up to 1.2", 1.15" up to 2.1"). The SK Match had one group with a noticeable single flyer (1.2" up to 1.8"). When compared side by side, the SK groups are noticeably less tight, but I don't think they are that bad. I would also add that there wasn't much difference in vertical distribution of the groups between both brands-most of my flyers were to the side.

And, of course, there is quite a price difference. Hope that helps.

Re: SK Long Range Match

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 9:58 am
by jhmartin
Interesting to point out the difference I see
STD Plus, Rifle Match, Center-X, etc are spec'd at 1073fps
This Long Range Match is at 1099fps.

Re: SK Long Range Match

Posted: Mon May 09, 2022 10:56 am
by Th.
Besides the R100 RWS comes with an other round for long range