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Replay to Tsokasn

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:03 pm
by Joe66

You don’t adjust the cheek piece so that your eye is aligned with the sights. Like I said “You should adjust the cheek piece such that you have to drop (lay) your head down onto the cheek piece. This offer more stability for your hold.”

You said “If i move the butt plate up,when i place the buttplate on my shoulder,the riffle gets lower and i have to lower my head in order to see through the sites…”
I said “That is why you adjust your cheek piece up, such that you only need to lower (drop) your head a little.”

Do these after you mount 20mm raiser blocks to your sights, move your butt plate up, about the mid-range, then adjust your cheek piece to support your head, such that your head is not fully erect. Adjust the cheek piece toward you. When you pickup the rifle in the off-hand position, be sure to tilt the rifle a little toward you. Now drop your head onto the cheek piece and look thru the sights.

DO NOT move butt plate all the way down, else your hold will be less stable, not to mention the rifle will point low.


To tsokasn

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:48 am
by Joe66

How is it working out for you? I didn't hear from you anymore.

To tsokasn

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:48 am
by Joe66

How is it working out for you? I didn't hear from you anymore.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:18 pm
by tsokasn
Hello Joe66I was working on what you sayed,already doing what you say except the buttplate.It doesn.It work for me.But i realised one mistake i made.I was placing the buttplate too low on my shoulder.Now that i moved the riffle in a higher position,aiming is better.That is done with the buttplate all the way down.I maybe wrong again.What is the proper position of the riffle on my shoulder?Exactly where must i place it?And another question,what is your way of practising?I try to go for practise 4 or 5 times a week.In every practise i dry shoot for 5 min,then shoot 10 rounds on one target and then shoot 60rounds,like on a match.Any suggestions?Thank you very much for your help.

TO tsokasn

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 2:49 pm
by Joe66

Since you are working on your position and rifle adjustment, don’t do any live shooting just yet, try dry firing until you are comfortable with your rifle adjustments and position.

Like I said before, don’t move the butt plate all the way down. It should be somewhere in the middle, maybe slightly below the middle. Did you replace the two height adjustment bolts inside your cheek piece with longer ones like I said? I realize that some FWB P70 don’t have these two bolts, they have a special mechanism instead (disadvantage). Is your P70 like that? My C62 has those two bolts and so does all the older model FWBs. Like I always tell people in this forum, the Newer Air rifle doesn’t mean better, here is one example. None of the current (New) model FWB, Anschutz, and Walther has the two bolts like I mentioned. Yes, people with longer neck or need more cheek height are screwed.

I cannot tell you if the rifle is on your shoulder properly without seeing. Any chance you can post some photos?

You should only practice when you fell like it, don’t force yourself to practice. If you have to force yourself, this game is not for you. If you are having a good day and thus shooting well, keep on shooting until you get tired and to the point when it starts to be unproductive.

I did not know that 10-m air rifle is popular in Greece?

Raiser blocks

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:45 am
by peepsight

I'm sure you are confused, the best way to get this problem solved is to ask a fellow shooter or club coach to adjust the rifle for you or at least make recommendations. None of us can actually see you, so our advice can only ever be a rough guide.
Failing this, find a club that has a coach and ask for help.


Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 7:53 am
by tsokasn
Hello everyone!Today i made an unofficial race and made 539/600.I've been practising for about 6 months and i only shoot with jacket/glove.I am about to buy boots.Things are going better per practise.
Joe66,I don't forse my self to practise.It's like i need it.This time the Greek record is 594/600.I intend to break it(and then i wake up!!!!!)I also had the idea to shoot a photo of my position but i don't know how to put it on the site.My P70 has the two bolt system but i didn't have to replase them.I don't know exactly how famous the 10m air riffle is in Greece(like how many good shooters are there)
Peepsight,there are two coachies in my club.The one who is after me is specified on guns.The other one is on riffles,but both of them are helping me.As for the rest of the shooters(all of them better than me)i really can't see a pure intention to help...Like they were born ready to shoot 10's.
Once again thank you for your interest.