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HIGH NOON Postal Competition, Dec. 2004 - submit your score!

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:17 am
by Grzegorz Gładysz
Match is still open, I know - Christmas time is coming, so shopping etc. but do not forget to submit your score! ;-)


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 5:12 am
by Grzegorz
After 4 years and 3 months of its existance the High Noon Postal Competition is practically dead... :-(
It is pity to skip it, but it is also clear that in the current form it will not work anymore... It is enough to take a look on a score board...What is your opinion? Should we continue? WHAT I should change in it, if yes? Surelly - and this I know perfectly - the results MUST appear immediately when submitted. I prepare a special script to allow this. Let me know your other suggestions.
Have a Happy New Year!
(with High Noon PC, I hope ;-)

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 8:25 am
by cbpersel
I hope you can keep it going Grzegorz. It is a real motivator for me to keep pushing my shooting to higher levels . . . all in the comfort of my home. It is a great idea to create a script that would allow people to immediately see their score. If you need help with such a script . . . let me know and maybe I could get some help. I know that I was a bit frustrated because I sent in my December scores very early in the month, but they did not appear on your recent scorecard. Not sure if they made it to you or not. The auto-posting might help with this type of situation.

Thanks again for all your hard work and I hope you continue.

Craig Persel

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 9:59 am
by JohnD
Grzegorz, I just re-sent a 40-shot air rifle score, previously sent on December 18. Please confirm the correct email address for submitting scores.


Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:03 am
by Guest
Would be really cool and ultra-convenient if you could create a web-based reporting page. Instead of emailing, we just fill in the blanks on a web page.

Personally, since we are in a winter NRA 4 position league (American conventional 50 foot rifle), I don't have time to shoot much of anything else. (don't have time to shoot much, period. :^(

Please keep the High Noon going

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 10:11 am
by Dan Hankins
Please. If it can be done please keep the High Noon Competition going.

December is a tough month for getting anything done but please the family. That may be the price you pay in the bargaining for time for the rest of the year.

I spoke with one participant that has his kitchen all torn apart, in addition to the holiday commitments. But I'll bet he will be back.

The High noon Compititon is becoming like an institution. You have the only competition that offers a chance to compare scores with people all over the world, without the expense of travel. It is a great service.

And who are those Polish folks that are dominating the Air Rifle REQ 30. Must be a bunch of professionals, shooting that well. This helps me set goals.

I have sung the praises of this competition on the other forums I participate in. Especially the Air Rifle REQ 30. And have mentioned it on the FWB 300 and the FWB 65 forum. Those guys are chicken. Fine people, but they can't shoot very good and must be ashamed of their scores. I have threatened to name names, but, I think I have gone far enough as it is.

Greggor, your work and the time you spend is really appreciated. Please keep it up if you can. I appreciate you.

Dan Hankins AKA Bubba

High Noon

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2004 11:44 am
by MarkR
I too must plead for you to keep it going! The High Noon is an institution and is a plus for us who have no league or even a club within several hundred miles!

Postals, informal ones even, are a lot of fun and I believe an important part of this message board. Perhaps setting up a link on the banner of this board to the High Noon site would help, that way more people would know.

At the least, please give it a few more months - and everyone else please talk it up! Let's see the activity get back to what it once was!


p.s. So sorry to read of the passing of Don. Rest in peace.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:19 am
by Jim Cruise
Dear Grzegorz,

please keep up the High Noon postal competition. There are a few of us who really appreciate the work you put in.
I must admit though, I too sent in scores this month and have seen nothing - however I did note the first time I submitted scores the e-mail bounced back saying it was undeliverable. I re-submitted again just prior to Christmas. Can you confirm your e-mail address for High Noon results please.

Jim Cruise, Queensland, Australia, 25m Centre-fire 30+30, Hammerli SP20 RRS, .32 S&WL 1.4g WST 98g Bullzi HBWC, 570.

25m Standard, Hammerli SP20 RRS, SK Standard Plus, 525.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:01 am
by Grzegorz
Thank you very much for so kind words and support! I have asked my "computer" colleagues to write such a script and this shell be done - sure! The only reason that I kept so long this defective procedure of e-mailing was that this has allowed me to keep the same GIF format, that is visible always in the same way in all corners of the world (if it has corners;-). Now I have an idea - "unofficial" results will appear automatically, as submitted. "Official" results will be posted and kept as up to now in GIF format. The reason is clear -if no name, no country, etc. is given it will NOT appear on the "Official" score board ;-)

Concerning the e-mail. address. There is clearly problem with it. I propose to SWITCH to another address that will be much more sure and stable:

I know it is long :-)

PS. I will try to reinstal old address, but we have to move progresively to the new one - it is clear... Resend your score for December using the new address if your score is not present on the score board.

questions about this postal match

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 9:19 am
by Zilla
Hi all,

I am new to this forum and read about your postal match you have going on here. I have some questions...i read the rules and it appears that you can shoot at a shorter distance then 10m. Looking at the target software I am assuming for Air rifle the target to use is the 10m @ 6m Air rifle?? Secondly, This is open to anyone regardless of skill level?? Thirdly do you have to shoot every month? IT would appear not but just checking.

Ok so now some background on me just so you know who I am and where I am coming from. I had the pleasure of shooting rifle in college we shot both 3p smallbore and 40 shot standing Air rifle. Had a great time and enjoyed every minute of it while I was in college. I have been out of college about 6 years and havent done much competitive shooting since. Been thinking about shooting for fun but I dont have any local places around to shoot. Shooting a postal for fun would be great though.
I am no where near the shooting levels you folks in this postal are shooting and I am limited on the equipment I have currently. Currently I have a daisy avanti. Not the most desiarable...but still fun to shoot! From a range standpoint the best I can muster is 28 feet of indoor space so 25 feet from line to target is my max. I would have to shoot at a shorter distance to participate. Back in college i was never a great air shooter....averaged 330's out of 400 in my last year. shot the occasional 350 and never broke into the 360. So mainly I am looking to have some fun and compare my scores to someone other then what I shot last week.

Thanks for listening to the ramble...


Value of the incentive

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 1:58 pm
by CraigE
Please continue the postal! I look forward each month for the chance to do better. It doesn't always happen, but then I have a benchmark and the opportunity to see folks from all over the world struggle in similar ways in our sport. I also submit to Patrick Haynes at TargetshootingCanada in a postal. The format is pretty easy to submit; perhaps you can contact Patrick to see what method he uses. "Instant" posting of unofficial scores would be nice. Maybe we could all make the effort for a year to enter each month to honor Don Nygord. And to get at least one other shooter to do the same. Would be a nice tribute to a paragon of the sport. CraigE

High Noon Postal

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:18 am
by eugenegazda
Please don't give it up Grzegorz.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:17 pm
by Grzegorz
I have some questions...i read the rules and it appears that you can shoot at a shorter distance then 10m. Looking at the target software I am assuming for Air rifle the target to use is the 10m @ 6m Air rifle?? Secondly, This is open to anyone regardless of skill level?? Thirdly do you have to shoot every month?
Yes, one can shoot at shorter distance BUT then it is necessary to use a special correctly "reduced" targets. Take a look to our Rules given on a page:

and use the excel file (link at the page) to calculate correct rings. Than you can use some soft (like Ian Pellant software AirGun7.*) to print targets. Never use "xero" reduced targets - they are incorrect.

The competition is open to everybody. You are not forced to shoot each month - you do as you wish. You are allowed however to upgrade your score during a month match.

Have fun, follow the Rules and particularly the Rule no 1! That's all.

PS. Just send your score to me: