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A belated congratulations...

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 3:11 pm
by Warren
... to Bruce Martindale for setting a new S1 record AND winning the first match at this year's USA Shooting Nationals in Air Pistol at Ft Benning with a very respectible 573.

It seems national records seem to be the topic of the week. It might be nice for USA Shooting to acknowledge something like this; the match report in USA Shooting News made no mention of Bruce's achievement.

New record

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2004 10:14 pm
by mark kelly
After getting to know Bruce I think we will see many more records broken in the future. Just goes to show that the future of our sport isn't only in the hands of juniors shooters at the world level. I'm not saying that a solid base of juniors is not important but talent can come from many places. Congrats Bruce and I hope to see you on the line in the future!