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New guns on the market

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:03 am
by Alex L
I see in the latest Oz Magazine that 2 new Air pistols are advertised on the market. One is a Walther LP 300, and the other is a FWB P40.
Has anyone used either of these at competition level?
I have not seen a write-up about either pistol, and wonder what they are like to use.

Does anyone know what the Smith & Wesson model 952 Stainless Steel 9mm is like, to shoot Centre Fire or Service Match?
Alex L

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:02 am
by RobStubbs
I thought both models had been around for a while (years ?) and I wouldn't therefore be surprised if they weren't being used at international level. We have someone at the club who shoots a fwb, which I think is the P40 but I don't know what he thinks of it.


new guns

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:23 am
by Troop
Saw a mention on Don Nygord's web site, I'll stick w/ my LP10 thanks.
As far as the new S&W you might try the 952, you might try the S&W Forum auto pistols section [link below]. ... tion=intro

New Pardini

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:01 am
by Lanning R. Hochhauser
If you check Don Nygord's site you will see that Pardini has released a "recoilless" air pistol. Its an upgrade of the K2S.

Not Olympic, but SW 952 is good!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:07 pm
by Lonnie

I tried the S&W 952 in blue, from the Custom shop in 9mm. It was snappy to say the least compared to the 38 spl. recoil but VERY accurate. I shot a single hole group with it SF at 25 yards! Trigger was crisp and clean. Having shot 9mm in "spray and pray" configurations, I was shocked at how accurate it was. The ammo was the 147 gr Federal premium ball type.

Frankly, I only shot it because the elderly gentleman in the next indoor bay asked me to. He was having a hard time keeping them on the paper and thought there might be something wrong with his new pistol. Maybe the mondo-sized coffee thermos was the real problem....

Lonnie Meyers

FWB P40 Thoughts

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:58 pm
by pstairs
I've been shooting the P40 for 3 months or more. This gun has a very unique feel to it. The absorber gives a different feedback to the shooter and I enjoy it. I feel it assists me in maintaining a solid (follow through.)

The gun is well built, has all the latest technology built in to assure record scores, quite frankly like most of the rest of the higher end products Don Nygord carries the FWB P-40 shoots better then I do.. any day of the week.

Over the years I have bought no less then 15 guns from Don and I have come to the conclusion that they all shoot "better then I do".. if you know what I mean.

If you enjoy having the latest "new guy on the block" the flexibility and workmanship will not disappoint you in the P40.

More importantly Don Nygord is there to help. He backs what he sells, he can beat my scores any day of the week with a Daisy matter what I shoot, and has been there for all of us for many many years.

Buy what you what you buy, train with focus and understanding of the instrument your shooting with and the scores take care of themselves.