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Anschutz 2002 v's 2025

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:06 pm
by phosking
Hi I'm looking at purchasing an Anschutz air rifle, whilst going through the catalogues I noticed the 2025 (field target) rifle. Is there any reason why I couldn't use a 2025 for 10 M. I realise that it would be a higher power, and I don't know if it would accept standard diopter sites (they are always shown with scopes).

For me, this would make the rifle more versatile.

Is there any rule in ISSF 10M that would stop me using the 2025?

Can a standard diopter style be attached to 2025?


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 5:42 am
by Ryan Tanoue
ive personaly never seen it done. but there are several disadvantages i see in shooting the 2025 instead of the 2002. for one, the 2025 shoots at a much higher velocity than the 2002. this is very usefull for shooting the farther distances in field target, but im pretty certain that this would cause a good bit of recoil during firing. 10m stading is hard enough without the recoil, i would think adding the recoil would make it intolerably difficult. another thing is the field target rifles shoot a different type and weight pellet than the standard 10m rifles(at least im pretty sure), and i dont know if they are as accurate. another problem that i would for see is that because of the higher velocity, the 2025 might eat up regulators faster than the 2002, but im not certain of this. if you want to compete at 10m i would just get a 10m rifle. if you like field target as well but cant afford both, i would buy a cheaper field target rifle and get the 2002 for 10m. but thats just my opinion. hope this is useful.


Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 7:40 am
by Guest
The field target rifles may also be overweight - they sure look heavier than a 10 m gun. There are very specific rules governing shape of stock for 10 m rifle, my guess is that a super-duper FT gun will not meet those rules.

i think you're asking on the wrong forum

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:17 am
by uaetcoj
the air rifle shooters here are strictly 10m. you should ask your question on a field target forum. in ft competition, there are some standing shots and these guys shoot their higher powered guns offhand. more importantly, you'll be asking people who actually own and shoot those specific guns on a competitive basis. a simple google for "field target forum" pulls up a multitude of options. don't forget about the steyr and fwb offerings as well.


thanks for the information

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2004 8:33 pm
by phosking
As always great information, I think the solution of an economical FT rifle is the go.
