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Any experiences with the FAS pcp match pistol?

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 11:31 pm
by Joe G.
A shooting buddy recently expressed interest in the FAS pcp match pistol and I was wondering if anybody had some direct experiences with the piece. A few years ago Tom Gaylord wrote a mini review of the pistol and as I remember it liked it overall. I know he complimented both the trigger and grips in particular. Since I have not had an opportunity to handle one I was looking for any feedback that might be available. Thanks, Joe G.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:00 am
by thenikjones
A friend at my club has the FAS609, shoots 90+ with it. I like it, as I can get my short stubby finger nicely on the trigger - it fits me FAR batter than my Steyr LP50 does. Doesn't have a built-in gauge on the cylinder, but comes with a manometer you can use. Only comes with a single cylinder AFAIK. He says that there is no dry fire facility on it - I find this odd but haven't looked into it (it is his gun after all, but he's lost the handbook). You can't adjust the rear notch width, but can get different sized foresights.

I have seen a few other people shooting one, but it isn't a common sight.

I am thinking of getting one, as the only gun that feels as nice to me is a Morini, and a second hand 609 will cost about 1/3 as much.

Any questions you have, post them and I'll pass them on and try to get you an answer.