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Olympic Rapid Fire Rules

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:20 am
by Alex L
I recently read, on the ISSF site, regarding with the Rifle shooters rules - that they will Not be implemented. However, no-one is talking about the the Rapid Fire Pistol rules. It sound as if there is a new technical committee just elected. I hope some of these new members will take note of what the shooters think about these changes.
I hope the new committee are not all "Yes" men! I am disappointed to see that the Aussie officials are just following along, like sheep. There has been No discussion with the rank and file shooters for our opinions. Other countries may suffer similarly, so be carefull who you elect onto committees!

I am disappointed to see that no Rapid Fire shooters have qualified so far for Athens from the USA.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 2:55 am
I beleive the US only has men's quota's for air pistol.