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Is sight radius much of an issue when choosing AP?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 12:06 pm
by akihmsa
I know the math involved and was curious if this is even an issue when deciding between one AP or another?

Posted: Fri May 21, 2004 12:51 pm
by Richard H
Most of the new pistols just fit in the box so I don't think there is a big issue that one has a longer sight radius than another. I shoot an LP10 and actually shortened my sight radius and have never actually used it at the max. My scores went up about 10 points when I shortened it, it cuts down on the preceived motion and gives you more confidence. But like all things it comes down to personal preference.

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 11:40 am
by thenikjones
I think sight radius is more important in Free Pistol, as the advantage of longer sight radius - finer adjustment of rear-sight to fore-sight position - matters more over 50m than 10m. I used a sight-base extender on my old FAS604 as the rear notch is very shallow and extending sight base helped me. This did increase my "wobble" and took me time to overcome it.
I've subsequently shot a compact and normal Steyr LP2 and not noticed a difference in my scores.