Contact lenses

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Contact lenses

Post by Rod »

I am a 54 yo who wears and shoots with contact lenses. I don't have to tell anybody that is close to my age that I also require reading glasses. One more problem, I shoot right handed and am left eye dominant. I am wanting to sharpen my sight picture. Does anyone use shooting glasses with just a magnification lens or what has someone in my situation found that works?
Thanks in advance, I appreciate your help.
Bill Poole
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Post by Bill Poole »

I have been struggling with contacts and glasses for year, my 86 year old eyes (43 in each one) aren't as good as i wish they were.

I tried glasses for shooting and contacts on weekdays

and this year I shoot with contacts

in pistol I sometimes (depends on time of day and light etc) need the +0.5 or +0.75 lens over the contacts, with match rifle I don't, yet.... but my service rifle lens is weaker than my street lens by about 0.5. for a while I used the Bob Jones 0.5 lens in service rifle.

you can't put the lens in the sight in ISSF

but you CAN use knobloch's or Champion type frames and you can get +0.5 etc lenses for it, from Nygord or Champs Choice or elsewhere OR your optician can make a lens to your prescription or offset by 0.5 or whatever you need.

Here in Phoenix we have a retail lens maker that understands this and carries spare lenses to pistol matches.

Good shooting

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contacts lenses vs glasses

Post by guido »

I also use contacts in weekdays (I am lazy) and shooting glasses on week ends . I tryed to shoot competitions with contacts, but they get dry too quickly and I had to spend too much time getting artificial tears, wich is difficut with the shooting glove in one hand and the rifle in the other. After some time testing, I finally find glasses to be better. You should go to an opfhtalmologist, and explain him exactly what your activity and sport is, so he can plan your glasses accordingly. In the WCH in Lahti, I found one in the Knobloch stand, designing specially for shooters. May be in his website you can find answers...
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Post by Jason »

One of the first things I did after I picked up my rifle again several years back was buy some shooting glasses and go see a local optometrist who had worked with some national team members in the past. They made a huge difference!

But I noticed something yesterday that I don't remember happening before. Since my son was born a little over three years ago my shooting has pretty much dried up -- two matches in three years with no practice in between. So when I settled into position yesterday, I was very happy to see a nice, crisp sight picture -- but within five shots or so, it had softened (for lack of a better word) and I couldn't get it back. The same thing happened on all three relays.

I shot a 575, so I wasn't exactly disappointed, but I'd love to know why this happened. Is it just eye fatigue because I haven't asked them to do that in so long? BTW, I wear Champions with a clear blinder.

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