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Hello...from Mexico...What about standard pistol?

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:16 pm
by Evia
Hello my friends. I have followed all your postings since some time ago, and finally I have decided today to actively participate with you. My name is Manuel Evia, and I live at the city of Merida, at the Mexican south east. I use to shoot standard pistol according to ISSF rules and also standard pistol with air pistol. I use a beautifull, excellent Hammerli 208S for fire shooting and a Steyr LP5P for air shooting.

As you may know, we have a severe, ridiculous anti-gun legislation in my country. We can't purchase new guns, only some from the Mexican Army. As an example, a few months ago I have imported a set of Karl Nill grips for my 208S and had to ask for an import license from Mexican Department of Defense!!!. Imagine that you can only shoot with Aguila ammunition NO OTHER BRAND IS ALLOWED!!!. I only use Aguila Match Pistol. We can't purchase any other brand. It's horrible. We have a local match on sunday, and I only have ONE preccioussly box of Eley tenex...a gift from a good friend with privileges (from Mexican Army). With air we don't have any problem, cause we have everithing that we need.

I would like to hear from you some comments about techinques to improve mi Standard Pistol shooting. My current puntuation is 529 and I wondering if I can receive from any of you some gently advice about the timed and rapid fire stances.

I have very good experience using internet for this purpouses. For example, Some time ago I have contacted Coach Erich Buljung!!!

With kindest regards,

Manuel Evia

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:49 pm
by LesJ
Try to contact Anatolii Piddubnyi . I believe he is with Mexican National Team in Guadalajara,Jalisco,Mexico.
Under "Memberlist" go to page "7" and you will find his e-mail address.

Hi Manuel (also from Mexico)

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 12:32 pm
by SergioR2
I'm Sergio Ramírez from Morelia, Michoacán, México.

Sorry, I can´t help with any tips, since I'm a beginner, but I'd like to invite you (and everybody here) to the CMTP forum (Club Mexicano de Tiro Pneumático). The address is:
There you could help others with your knowledge and maybe learn
something, since there are some knowledgeable people there.

Saludos amigos!


Hello Sergio

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:19 pm
by Evia
Hello Sergio!!! I already know the buddies at that Forum ( Carlos and Hector) Maybe you are interested in visit the forum "usuarios de armas mexico" en

With kindest rgds,


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:47 pm
by Sparks
It could be worse - here in Ireland, all pistols are effectively banned. (Technically, they're perfectly legal if you have a licence - but the Gardai will not issue licences for anything but air rifles, cartidge rifles up to .270 calibre, and shotguns). No standard, free, service or air pistols. Even starter pistols are required to have a full firearms licence.

Black Powder, too?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 9:16 am
by Capt. William
Does Ireland's ridiculous legislation include black powder weapons too, Sparks?

Capt. William

Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Sun May 29, 2005 3:26 pm
by Sparks
Capt. William wrote:Does Ireland's ridiculous legislation include black powder weapons too, Sparks?
Capt. William
It did, however since that post (actually, only a month or so afterwards), the ban on pistols was repealed. So we've been shooting them since. We've had the first air pistol match, there's cartridge pistol shooting going on in other disciplines, and we're starting to build up the community at the moment.

Aguila ammunition

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 1:30 pm
by Mike Taylor
It is interesting to note that certain of the Aguila .22 rimfire ammunition is held in high regard by many of the participants on the Bullseye-L e-mail forum. It appears to offer a combination of low cost with good reliability and more-than-acceptable accuracy for Conventional Pistol (the US NRA event that is very similar to ISSF Standard Pistol). Based upon what I have read (Aguila is not available here in Canada), you should not feel that Aguila .22LR ammunition is a major handicap to achieving Master-level scores in ISSF disciplines. Perhaps it is a case of the prophet going unrecognized in his own land? (A light-hearted jibe, no harshness intended in this last remark.)
Mike T.

And Now A Word About Standard Pistol

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:20 pm
by funtoz
Manuel -

I recognize your name from before. It is always good to hear from other countries to the South! We have let this slip toward subjects and bigotries that have nothing to do with helping you shoot better standard pistol. Spend most of your training time on the rapid fire portion. You will win or loose on your performance in the 10-seconds. Rhythm and a good lift are what you are after. Practice your lifts at least 20 repetitions a day. Take your stance, raise the pistol and dry-fire it. You want the gun to come up with the sights aligned, without having to search for them. Work on your grips if the front sight refuses to come up in the notch naturally. For rhythm, set a timer for 7 or 8 seconds, then work on firing 5 evenly spaced shots in that time without trying to aim. When your shots become automatic, then work on aiming within that rhythm. With a good lift and calm rhythm, you will have time to spare at the end of the string. And if something disturbs you, then you will know that you have plenty of time to recover and not panic shoot the rest of the string.

Don't worry so much about the quality of the ammunition. The rest of the competitors have the same problem. He who shoots best wins most!


Aguila Ammo

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:22 pm
by Evia
Hello my friend!!! We have a theory here at Mexico: Aguila exports their best lots and sold garbage to the domestic market. That's what we think. We still have some serious problems with aguila ammo...k-booms, accuracy fails, ignition fails...and me and my friends only use match ammo (match pistol). Another important fact it's the price: You can purchase a brick of standard pistol for 26 dollars...and here we need to pay 50!!!. I use to sort my ammo by rim thickness (bald eagle sorter) and use to have better accuracy results than my buddies, but still some problems.

Kindest regards,

To Larry...(funtoz)

Posted: Mon May 30, 2005 2:26 pm
by Evia
Thank you very much my friend!!! This post is almost one year old, but I appreciate very much your kindly comments and advice. I will take your thougths in consideration.



Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:16 pm
by Capt. William
Sparks wrote:
Capt. William wrote:Does Ireland's ridiculous legislation include black powder weapons too, Sparks?
Capt. William
It did, however since that post (actually, only a month or so afterwards), the ban on pistols was repealed. So we've been shooting them since. We've had the first air pistol match, there's cartridge pistol shooting going on in other disciplines, and we're starting to build up the community at the moment.
So Sparks, how are things going with pistol shooting in the Republic, some 2 1/2 years later? :-)


Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:27 pm
by Sparks
Capt. William wrote:So Sparks, how are things going with pistol shooting in the Republic, some 2 1/2 years later? :-)

National 25m Standard Pistol Championship:
We are delighted to announce that Rathdrum has been chosen to host the NTSAI National Standard Pistol Championships for 2006 and 2007.
NTSA National Standard Pistol Championships 2006

To be held at the Indoor Range: Rathdrum Rifle and Pistol Club,
Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow.

Sunday 13th May 2007

Championship: 60 shots at 25 metres

To be shot using .22lr calibre semi-automatic target pistol with five shot magazine or .22lr calibre revolver with five shot capacity (larger magazine or revolver capacities must be loaded with five shots only before each series).

Entry Fee: €15

Prizes for 1st to 3rd in Championship

Course of fire:

* 5 sighters in 150 secs,
* 4 series of 5 shots in 150 seconds each,
* 4 series of 5 shots in 20 seconds each,
* 4 series of 5 shots in 10 seconds each.
* There will be a 60 second loading period and 7 second attention period before each series.
* There weill be a two (2) minute preparation time before each detail.
* Details will last approximately 30 minutes each.

Targets used will be ISSF Precision 25m (200mm aiming mark, 50mm 10 ring) on the Megalink electronic target system.

Ties (from 4th place) to be broken by countback, highest number of 10's, 9's, 8's etc. or the highest number of inner tens, in that order. Ties from 1st to 3rd place to be broken by shoot-off in one 10 second series with a 150 second sighter series.

Sunday 13th May
Range Opens at 09:30

* Detail A - 10:00 (course of fire as above)
* Detail B - 10:45
* Detail C - 11:30
* Detail D - 12:15

20 Shot Final for top seven shooters – 13:00 (4 series of 10 seconds each) with a 150 second sighter series.
(A final will only be held if there is a possibility of a change in the finishing order should such a final be held)

To book a detail, choose 'Book Detail' from the menu on the left. Follow the steps to book date, firing point/detail. A confirmation email will be sent to you to confirm your booking. Only available firing points/details will be displayed.
National 25m Standard Pistol Results:
The competition went off without any hitches and was enjoyed by all. Joe O'Donohoe is the National Champion for the second year in a row!

Joe O'Donohoe on the line

National 25m Standard Pistol 2006 - 13th May 2007
150 Second 20 Second 10 Second
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Joe O'Donohoe DFST 48 49 46 49 44 42 42 47 43 41 38 47 536
PJ Harding DRC 41 41 40 44 28 32 36 40 28 35 29 37 431
Alan Kelly CDPC 34 44 35 36 31 32 20 37 32 40 38 37 416
Mark Dennehy WTSC 38 36 24 42 39 30 30 39 35 40 34 28 415
Liam Crawford DFST 40 37 35 40 34 35 42 35 27 32 31 27 415
Vincent White FRC 28 44 31 21 24 30 41 39 38 35 34 38 403
Vjollca Neli KTSC 45 38 46 43 42 41 41 39 33 36 35 34 473

Detail B

Detail C

Joe O'Donohoe (DFST) receives his medal from NTSA Chairman Liam Crawford

Alan Kelly (CDPC) receives his medal from NTSA Chairman Liam Crawford

Vjollca Neli adding some style to the firing line.
Numbers are low and scores are low, but it's fun and it's getting better with every match. So I think it's going fairly well so far. Three ranges in the country so far and more on the way.

Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:06 pm
by David Levene
Sparks wrote:Three ranges in the country so far and more on the way.
Are they all equipped with Megalink?

Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:54 pm
by rrpc
David Levene wrote:
Sparks wrote:Three ranges in the country so far and more on the way.
Are they all equipped with Megalink?
Unfortunately not. Rathdrum is the only one in the country with electronic targets. There is another range in Fermoy near Cork that has computer controlled turning targets on which we will be holding a competition some time next year.

It's still very early days in pistol shooting here. I'd estimate that there are somthing in the region of 20'ish cartridge target pistols in the country at the moment, although there are a fair few in Northern Ireland (where Pistols were never banned).

But it's growing fast and the future looks bright.

To answer a previous question. Black powder is on the way (I think/hope)

Nice Coverage!

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:18 pm
by danholmes
Sparks! Nice Coverage! It's great to see the photos of the match.

Photographing and posting photos from competitions (even small local) really go a long way towards promoting the sport! Keep up the good work. those of you out there running matches...take pictures, post results, promote your events. It benefits everyone...

Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:11 pm
by Capt. William
Sparks wrote:
Capt. William wrote:So Sparks, how are things going with pistol shooting in the Republic, some 2 1/2 years later? :-)

National 25m Standard Pistol Championship:
We are delighted to announce that Rathdrum has been chosen to host the NTSAI National Standard Pistol Championships for 2006 and 2007.
NTSA National Standard Pistol Championships 2006

To be held at the Indoor Range: Rathdrum Rifle and Pistol Club,
Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow.

Sunday 13th May 2007

Championship: 60 shots at 25 metres

To be shot using .22lr calibre semi-automatic target pistol with five shot magazine or .22lr calibre revolver with five shot capacity (larger magazine or revolver capacities must be loaded with five shots only before each series).

Entry Fee: €15

Prizes for 1st to 3rd in Championship

Course of fire:

* 5 sighters in 150 secs,
* 4 series of 5 shots in 150 seconds each,
* 4 series of 5 shots in 20 seconds each,
* 4 series of 5 shots in 10 seconds each.
* There will be a 60 second loading period and 7 second attention period before each series.
* There weill be a two (2) minute preparation time before each detail.
* Details will last approximately 30 minutes each.

Targets used will be ISSF Precision 25m (200mm aiming mark, 50mm 10 ring) on the Megalink electronic target system.

Ties (from 4th place) to be broken by countback, highest number of 10's, 9's, 8's etc. or the highest number of inner tens, in that order. Ties from 1st to 3rd place to be broken by shoot-off in one 10 second series with a 150 second sighter series.

Sunday 13th May
Range Opens at 09:30

* Detail A - 10:00 (course of fire as above)
* Detail B - 10:45
* Detail C - 11:30
* Detail D - 12:15

20 Shot Final for top seven shooters – 13:00 (4 series of 10 seconds each) with a 150 second sighter series.
(A final will only be held if there is a possibility of a change in the finishing order should such a final be held)

To book a detail, choose 'Book Detail' from the menu on the left. Follow the steps to book date, firing point/detail. A confirmation email will be sent to you to confirm your booking. Only available firing points/details will be displayed.
National 25m Standard Pistol Results:
The competition went off without any hitches and was enjoyed by all. Joe O'Donohoe is the National Champion for the second year in a row!

Joe O'Donohoe on the line

National 25m Standard Pistol 2006 - 13th May 2007
150 Second 20 Second 10 Second
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Joe O'Donohoe DFST 48 49 46 49 44 42 42 47 43 41 38 47 536
PJ Harding DRC 41 41 40 44 28 32 36 40 28 35 29 37 431
Alan Kelly CDPC 34 44 35 36 31 32 20 37 32 40 38 37 416
Mark Dennehy WTSC 38 36 24 42 39 30 30 39 35 40 34 28 415
Liam Crawford DFST 40 37 35 40 34 35 42 35 27 32 31 27 415
Vincent White FRC 28 44 31 21 24 30 41 39 38 35 34 38 403
Vjollca Neli KTSC 45 38 46 43 42 41 41 39 33 36 35 34 473

Detail B

Detail C

Joe O'Donohoe (DFST) receives his medal from NTSA Chairman Liam Crawford

Alan Kelly (CDPC) receives his medal from NTSA Chairman Liam Crawford

Vjollca Neli adding some style to the firing line.
Numbers are low and scores are low, but it's fun and it's getting better with every match. So I think it's going fairly well so far. Three ranges in the country so far and more on the way.
Very good! Congratulations! International Standard Pistol is, I understand, much the same thing as the .22 stage of the NRA 3-gun bullseye pistol aggregate.

Wish I could be there! :-)


Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:15 pm
by Capt. William
rrpc wrote:
David Levene wrote:
Sparks wrote:Three ranges in the country so far and more on the way.
Are they all equipped with Megalink?
Unfortunately not. Rathdrum is the only one in the country with electronic targets. There is another range in Fermoy near Cork that has computer controlled turning targets on which we will be holding a competition some time next year.
Don't feel so bad. We have probably 20 millionish cartridge pistol shooters here in the US: and not many more ranges with turning targets than you have! :-)


Re: Nice Coverage!

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 3:26 am
by rrpc
danholmes wrote:Sparks! Nice Coverage! It's great to see the photos of the match.

Photographing and posting photos from competitions (even small local) really go a long way towards promoting the sport! Keep up the good work. those of you out there running matches...take pictures, post results, promote your events. It benefits everyone...
It gets better! As one of his last actions as outgoing PRO of the NTSA, Sparks has managed to get Setanta Sports to agree to cover the 2007 National Standard Pistol Championships.

This is being held in November, so it's early days yet but we'll keep you posted.

Re: Black Powder, too?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 6:45 am
by David Levene
Capt. William wrote:Don't feel so bad. We have probably 20 millionish cartridge pistol shooters here in the US: and not many more ranges with turning targets than you have! :-)
You're lucky Jim. Here on mainland UK we have got loads of 25m turning target ranges, but (effectively) no suitable cartridge pistols :-(