Interesting USA Shooting Find, all of "our" averages ...

old, good

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Interesting USA Shooting Find, all of "our" averages ...

Post by Mako »

Check out the LINK below ... at the BOTTOM of the page ... all of the USA Shooting match averages ... for "all" participants ...

Re: Interesting USA Shooting Find, all of "our" averages ...

Post by bruce »

These might be just PTO scores as the only FP scores I have are from the Nationals and Selection matches and those results for me arent there. The AP scores suggest that too.
PS watch the S1 Mens National record, It may be updated soon. :)
regards bruce
: Check out the LINK below ... at the BOTTOM of the page ... all of the USA Shooting match averages ... for "all" participants ...

Pat McCoy

Re: Interesting USA Shooting Find, all of "our" averages ...

Post by Pat McCoy »

: Check out the LINK below ... at the BOTTOM of the page ... all of the USA Shooting match averages ... for "all" participants ...
Only for those who shoot at leaat three events per year. This was discussed at the recent Coaches Conference.
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