A New Season

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

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A New Season

Post by Jim »

Howdy all . . .
This Wednesday begins our club's second year of Youth Air Rifle. Started the program last year with lots of encouragement and advice from this board. Ran a shoestring budget and put about 25 kids through the basics. This year, I expect half or more of those kids back AND I have 10 new kids already registed (my max limit).
Don't know about where you live, but in Southeast MI, there seems to be a strong support/need for this type of program.
This year, I got an NRA Foundation grant so we will be able to by some competition equipment (mats, scopes etc.) and hope to take a team up to the Michigan USAS sporter class competition in January. My first time doing anything like that, so advice is welcome.
Any comments on what constitutes "making" the team? Should I just take my top 4 shooters or allow anyone who want to to go?
Do you folks who run programs ever try to to bi-lateral matches with other clubs to tune-up your shooters?
Sorry for the long post, got excited . . .
Jim in Michigan
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