Air Rifle Practice Methods

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Air Rifle Practice Methods

Post by Dave »

Hi All! I'm pretty new to the world of 10M Air Rifle shooting. I shot for about 4-6 months about a year ago. I took some time off due to having to move. Now I'm diving back in. Due to limited space I've set up a 5m range and I'm actively looking for a place to shoot 10 meters.
What are some practice Methods I could use? Right now I have
been printing out reduced black bulls(no scoring rings) I have them sized for the 7 ring. Since I'm only shooting at 5 meters I'm also using external rings. Once a day I shoot a total of 120 shots or more. 5 shots at each target. My goal is to place all shots inside the bull. When I can do that for all 120 I'll move up to the 8 ring. My train of thought while shooting.
1. Find NPA. Something I realy need to work on.
2. Mounting the gun the same way each time.
3. Sight Alignment.
4. Focus on the front Apeture.
5. Accept the small amount of wobble. (If I try to force a perfectly still sight picture I throw the shot %99 of the time. If I accept the wobble the shot goes in the bull %99 of the time. Go figure.)
6. Squeeze the trigger untill shot fired.
7. Follow through with the trigger still pulled back(Keeps me from releasing the trigger too soon)
8. Call the shot. Actually I do this as soon as the gun goes off.
Things I've heard of doing.
1. Shoot at a vertical bar.
2. Shoot at a horizontal bar.(not sure what would be the goal)
3. Shoot at a black paper.
4. What I'm doing above.
Anyway. Thanks for listening. I do realize I need to incorperate dry firing. Just haven't done it yet. Any ideas you can give me will be most apreciated.
P.S. I'm shooting with a Crossman CH2000. It will clean a 9. I don't have any shooting clothing yet. Jacket is coming this payday. The Anschutz will be here by Jan 1.


Probably should read: Air Rifle Practice Excersizes? NT

Post by Dave »

Just changing the Subject.

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