Morini 162EI velocity

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Morini 162EI velocity

Post by AD »

I have a new Morini 162EI and have shot about 500-700 shots with it and noticed that it was not tearing the target cleanly so I had the velocity checked and found it to be 435fps with a spread of 8 using Finale Match(air-rifle) and 472fps using Finale Match High Speed. This being too low I have adjusted it so as to comply with the values provided with Morini(492-508fps), presently the gun is shooting at 500fps with Finale Match(air-rifle) with a apread of 8. I get 110 shots from a cylinder(upto lock down). Was it wrong to change the velocity?
Bob Riegl

Re: Morini 162EI velocity

Post by Bob Riegl »

How old are the targets and are they subject to humidity above 35%. The paper will absorb moisture and repeatedly dry out--this affects the hole punching ability of your pellet---also if the paper is too thin---my club supplies targets that are printed on light paper and we get more tears with the lighter paper. Nothing wrong with adjusting your velocity---I never touch anything that comes from the factory except for sights, trigger length, and pull if needed.

Francisco ... ?

Post by Mako »

The targets they use are VERY thick ( .52 mm VS. .37 mm for Edelmann)... and being India ... it's very humid.
The sample target that I tried had considerably larger bits of paper debris around the edges of the back of the holes, but the holes themselves generally exhibited the same rough round shape as the Edelmanns.
My thinking is that match air pistols have their velocity set at the factory for best accuracy ... the velocity isn't just arbitrarily set ...
It seems that match air pistols use to have velocities in the low 500's, but I tested some of the current models, AP40, LP300, LP10 and 162EI ... and was surprised to find them to be shooting from 450 to 480 fps. I just tried one of each so it's not a representative sampling. Akshay's Morini seemed a bit low but I wouldn't have arbitrarily set the velocity higher ... without tuning it to a particular pellet.

Re: Francisco ... ?

Post by AD »

I use a variety of pellets as availability is a problem so tuning the pistol to one pellet will not really help, but will do it as soon as I get a vice and stuff.

David Levene

Re: Francisco ... ?

Post by David Levene »

: I use a variety of pellets as availability is a problem so tuning the pistol to one pellet will not really help, but will do it as soon as I get a vice and stuff.
It really does sound as though you have to find pellet/velocity combination that gives you nice tight groups and punches clean holes in the target.
Once you have done that then stop looking for problems and just get on and shoot. It doesn't matter whether you "only" get 110 shots from a cylinder. That's enough for a match isn't it?

Re: Francisco ... - You Mean Francesco, Mr Morini Himself?

Post by Mark »

Just curious about the title. If you were meaning Mr. Repich, I suspect you'd want to address your note to "Francesco".
On another note, 162's being shipped to Canada cannot be adjusted above 500 fps in order to comply with our foolish government regulations. At this velocity they punch pretty clean holes as long as the target material is reasonable. I personally shoot in the low 480 fps range and find no difficulty with holes. The comments about repeated absorption of humidity and subsequent drying of targets holds true. I had some nasty tears this summer when the relative humidity in my basement range was in the 90% range. Since then the targets have dried out, but still don't punch quite as cleanly as when they were brand new and perfectly dry.


Re: Morini 162EI velocity

Post by Francesco »

We set the speed of our pistol at 140 - 150 m/s with H&N Finale Match Blue (Pistol), 4.49 mm, 0.49 g. All other speed over give no better grouping but you will only use more air for nothing. I am Francesco (no Mr.) and please not Mr. Morini, somebody else has this name.

Re: Morini 162EI velocity

Post by Mark »

:I am Francesco (no Mr.) and please not Mr. Morini, somebody else has this name.
Francesco - no insult or disrespect was intended when I wrote that you were "Mr. Morini". It was meant more in fun, as you are recognized as the principal force behind the manufacture and sale of the Morini pistol's we've all come to love so much. Your contribution of factual information on this discussion forum is very much appreciated. And especially since you are our only direct link to a pistol manufacturer without having to go through a long chain of vendors, wholesalers, etc.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your insight with us.



Re: Morini 162EI velocity

Post by Francesco »

No problem, I was also joking because a lot call me Mr. Morini, I only wanted to point out that I am not a formal person but easy instead.
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