electronic targets

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electronic targets

Post by k.shailendra »

i would like to know how electronic targets work and wht r the components used in them i would be very thankful if any one responces ASAP
thanking u
Spencer C

The 5 cent tour or in some detail?

Post by Spencer C »

How much detail are you after?

Re: electronic targets

Post by RML »

The most common type of electronic targets use sound to detect the shoot. There is a rubber band behind the target, and when the bullet passes through this rubber band, a sound is made. This sound is picked up by at least 3 microphones places in the corners or below the target. The time passed from the bullet makes the sound until each microphone picks up the sound will be different depending on where the bullet hits. Using this timedifference it is possible to calculate where the bullet passed through the target.
Another way of doing it (Meyton targets), is to have several "curtains" of light-beams behind the target. When the bullet pass through the target, it will break several lightbeams. This can be used to detect were the bullet has hit.
The sound-detection technology is the cheapest, and the easiest to make stable (according to an engineer I talked to who is making such targets).
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