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ISSF New Competition Formats

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 3:56 am
by GolfShot
New competition formats in Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun, which were approved by the ISSF Executive Committee, come into force. They are now posted on the ISSF website and will apply to all ISSF competitions from 1 January 2022.
Once again ISSF has out done themselves by making the finals even more confusing for both the athletes and spectators.

Re: ISSF New Competition Formats

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2021 10:09 pm
by Moore
My Opinion.. IT SUCKS !!!!!!!

Re: ISSF New Competition Formats

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 11:13 pm
by Moy
lol what the fuck am I reading? (50m rifle)

It started out okay, I get doing 3x20 and eliminating half, and then doing another 3x20 to select down to 8. I totally get that, it saves a lot of time and logistics.

but then:
This stage is fired in the Standing position, ONLY.
• All points achieved in the Semifinal are zeroed.
• 4 series of 2 shots fired in 100 seconds per series.
• The total score in each 2-shot series is used to allocate points awarded according to
ranking from 4 – 1. Equal scores are awarded equal points (higher level).
• After 4 series, 3rd (bronze medal) and 4th place decided and the athletes retire from the firing-line.

Medal Match continues to decide the gold and silver medals.
• All previous points scored are zeroed.
• Firing continues with single shots fired on command, with 50 seconds per shot.
• Highest score is awarded 2 points; tied scores awarded 1 point each, lower score is zero
• The Gold medal is awarded to the first athlete to score 16 or more points
I guess I will never be in such a competition, so I don't really care. But... why??

What even is this.

I'd like to hear the reasoning.