HIGH NOON postal competition, August 2003 FINAL RESULTS

old, good http://www.midcoast.com/~pilkguns/bbs/

Moderators: rexifelis, pilkguns

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Grzegorz Gladyszewski

HIGH NOON postal competition, August 2003 FINAL RESULTS

Post by Grzegorz Gladyszewski »

<center><img src="http://omega.pol.lublin.pl/highnoon/hn08c.gif"></center>


Where is your pellet test?

Post by LesJ »

Was your pellet test on your son's site? All I get is:
You don't have permission to access /~adam/ on this server.
Please advise on how to access that article.
I answered your question on shooting glasses. I hope it is less confusing now.


Pellet test article and correction

Post by Grzegorz »

The article is available from my page (BTW Adam has finished his secondary school and therefore his page is not active now, but soon...:-). Just try link given below.
Thank you for the explanation. I shoot rifle and I am simply -5.0 diopter short-sighted person so for me it is rather not complicated to correct vision - the only thing I have to be sure it is the distance between a glas and my eye - should be as small as posible, otherwise I see everything about 20% smaller :-)

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