Tau 7 Dosen't hold Air Thanks! and another Q

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Jong Chen

Tau 7 Dosen't hold Air Thanks! and another Q

Post by Jong Chen »

First of all thanks to all those for helping me out. My Tau 7 wasn't holding air (leaking down the barrel) and thanks to all the suggestions I think I have it fixed (sorta).
I first tried a few drops of oil with my next co2 cartridge and that didn't fix it. I then removed the grip and removed the valve and valve spring and checked out the internal O ring. I added some oil to that and now the gun leaks MUCH less.
Questions for people who have done this. When I removed the valve (27) and valve spring (58) the valve packing (28) and stiffening ring (29) did not come out. Is it normal for the valve packing and the stiffening ring to stay in the pistol and not be removable? Or are they missing in my pistol?
I also still have a small amount of air leaking down my barrel. It is much less than before. Is it normal for there to be a small amount of air leaking down the barrel? Or should there be no air leaking at all?


Re: Tau 7 Dosen't hold Air Thanks! and another Q

Post by bill177 »

Seems to me that if a little Pelgun Oil slows the leak - you must have a bad seal. I'd go back in and replace the seal.
There should be no leaks. For example, I leave a charge on my TAU-7 from day to day. I usually shoot a hundred pellets or so and put it away. At some point in time I will have refilled it at least once, so there will be a charge - and that charge remains.

Re: Tau 7 Dosen't hold Air Thanks! and another Q

Post by TCooper »

The valve packing(28) and stiffening ring(29) will not come out with your valve stem(27). Parts 28 and 29 are friction fitted into the gun and both parts are stuck together.
To change the valve packing(28) will require a long screwnail. Carefully thread it into this white seal (by hand) and pull it out. The seal will be destroyed when you do this so make sure you need to replace it.
If you didn't have parts 28 and 29 you would have a pistol that would not hold a charge for more than a few seconds.
You should have no leakage with your TAU-7. The packing seal(28) is likely the problem. Maybe try re-seating it by carefully tapping on the valve stem (27) with a small hammer. This action will sometimes reshape the white seal. In order to tap on the stem you will obviously need a long pin punch to reach it.
Make sure your valve stem(27) does not have any rust or pitting on the tapered seat section. This can cause leakage.

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