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Aiming or Triggering

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:13 pm
by apron
Lately , this old question came up again : in the aiming area below the 6 , split second prior to release , aiming comes first or triggering comes first ? Since all of us know that our mind cannot do 2 things at the one time , the shifting of either of the these 2 could result a off-center shot. Would appreciate , like to hear your inputs. Many thanks.

Re: Aiming or Triggering

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 8:36 pm
by Gwhite
Who says you can't do two things at once? Do you tie your shoes one hand at a time, or do you have both in motion at once?

The trick is to train until the triggering is largely relegated to "motor memory" so you can concentrate on aiming.

Re: Aiming or Triggering

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:39 pm
by spektr
I have been chasing my grip adjustments of late and finally have it perfect. Having the gun NPA coincide with the targeg without having to conciously hold it does wonders. Hold on target, close your eyes, open them again and see how far you drift. Worth a look to see if you can adjust the grip to minimise it.....

Re: Aiming or Triggering

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 9:41 pm
by seamaster
You can try a friendly competition between aiming vs smooth triggering.

You will come to your own conclusion.

In the inner game of pistol shooting, I think it is both.

But most times, one will dominate over the other.

Give it a friendly competition, let us know your result.

Re: Aiming or Triggering

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:16 pm
by apron
Immediately after I posted the topic , I went into the following experiment : firstly , I increased the trigger weight on the 2nd stage ; while settling in the aiming zone , I loaded into the 2nd stage , keeping a good sight picture (since there is no perfect one) , I kept the pressure on the trigger until it fired. The release was a bit longer than usual. Impression : 150 shots with satisfactory good result. I will continue this exercise today.