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Autogenic training

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 6:41 am
by ForceAwakens
There is a lot of material available on autogenic training, but its focused on the autogenic training process itself e.g. - how to go through the steps of autogenic training, monthly/weekly plans etc. I haven't seen anything that would shed light on how it can be used to improve pistol shooting!! The closest I have seen is a comment on one of the forums to start visualization after getting into autogenic stage.
Any thoughts on how it can be used to improve pistol shooting? Please advise.

Re: Autogenic training

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:32 am
by Ramon OP
The book "The Psyche of the Shot" includes autogenic training plans. I've included some bits in my summary of the book but you will find a lot more in the 13 pages of training programme: ... -shot.html

Re: Autogenic training

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:44 am
by ForceAwakens
Thanks Ramon. I will go through the book for more information. Will revisit this topic again after applying the training

Found the link I was referring to --> https://attainingmentalfocus.wordpress. ... -training/