Adding weight on Steyr LP50C

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Adding weight on Steyr LP50C

Post by ForceAwakens »

I am working with a physio for strengthening my holds and avoiding the dreaded twitch shots. He has recommended to add weight to my pistol - Steyr LP50 compact....0.5kg, then 1kg - basically slow progressive fashion over weeks. This is only for holding and not for shooting
I am thinking of hanging the weight from the barrel, maybe with a thin cloth or strong string - so I can still see the sights clearly. My question is - is the barrel of the LP50 strong enough to sustain this additional weight? It looks sturdy, but I don't want to break the expensive weapon. Please advise

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Re: Adding weight on Steyr LP50C

Post by dronning »

Don't put the weight on your gun.

Use a plastic shopping bag put your hand through the handle before you grip your gun. Use a soda bottle(s) filled with water to get the correct weight.

I use this when I'm traveling, even without my gun, I put two 2ltr bottles in the bag and I point my finger at the wall. I have a piece of paper with a vertical and horizontal line on it. I slowly follow the line left right up down. I believe this helps fine motor control more that just trying to be stationary.

To make dryfire practice for Bullseye more interesting I drew a diamond by connecting the ends of the vertical and horizontal lines. I have a laser grip I can put on my 1911. I slowly trace all the lines of the diamond and when I get back to the center I dry fire.
- Dave

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Re: Adding weight on Steyr LP50C

Post by ForceAwakens »

Thanks Dave. Will go by your suggestion.

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Re: Adding weight on Steyr LP50C

Post by Ricardo »

Get a yellow (low-resistance) resistance band and hold in your hand while you grip your pistol, and hold down the other end with your foot. Do raise and hold. That works pretty well, too.
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