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10 Meter Air Pistol Team Anyone?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:59 pm
by B Lafferty
Over at NetCompetitor there are monthly individual and team matches in a number of shooting disciplines. I'd love to hear from anyone interested in forming a team to compete monthly from the comfort of our homes. Also, if anyone doing air pistol (or 300 meter rifle) is in the Northern VT, NH or Adirondack areas, please get in touch.

Re: 10 Meter Air Pistol Team Anyone?

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:13 pm
by ChipEck
Interested in Air Pistol, but I live in Wisconsin.


Re: 10 Meter Air Pistol Team Anyone?

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 9:38 pm
by nik365
I know it's kind of late reply, but I am interested to join netcompetitor air pistol team. And/or bullseye pistol too. I am not a remarkable shot though. I am in Colorado.

Vadim Nikitin