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Artwork wonderfully complements 3D-printed grips

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 7:55 pm
by ABerryhill
Up until recently I had only thought about 3D-printed grips as a utilitarian replacement for wood ones. But starting this summer with a young lady who wanted a translucent purple grip for her High Standard, I've come to learn that there really is no end to the creativity of shooters who have an idea they want to express. The most recent example of which I wanted to share with everyone here on TargetTalk, Donna Missigman took her custom fit 3D-printed grip I made for her Pardini and added her own wonderful expression. I'd love to see what others have done to an artistic flair to their gear. Please post below. And if you're interested in seeing a few other colorful grips, click here http://www.precisiontargetpistolgrips.c ... logos.html.

Thanks, Donna

Custom Grips for All Hands and Most Guns

Re: Art not soon replacing 3D-printed grips

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2016 10:49 am
by les greevy
And she shoots it real well too.