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Investment Advice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:18 pm
by gwsb
So if the election results follow the current polls, it looks like we will have Pre..., Pres.... Aw heck I can't even bring myself to type it much less say it out loud.

If that happens it looks like there might be some investment opportunities. What do you think would be best?

1. 10 AR 30 round mags.
2. Generic lower AR.
3. A one way ticket to, I don't know where.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:35 pm
by slofyr
gwsb wrote:....What do you think would be best?

1. 10 AR 30 round mags.
2. Generic lower AR.
Both, and make a donation to the NRA.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 4:49 pm
by pcw
I'm thinking plane ticket. But where would one go? Not Canada or Yurp. Maybe Mexico? Belarus has a great shooting program. Maybe one of the Stans. There's always Russia. It's funny to think that you would have to go to one of the former USSR states to have the same political climate you would under a Trump presidency.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:37 pm
by dmcnash
You should make a large donation to the Clinton Foundation. It might be the best investment you could make.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:17 pm
by Rover
Don't EVEN get me started!

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:32 am
by David Levene
I know that there are members with strong views from both sides of the political divide, but we have recently seen how quickly political discussions can turn nasty/personal.

Can we PLEASE try to keep TargetTalk politics-free, at least for the next few weeks.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 8:28 am
by Shooterer
Seriously, your best return on investment would be in handguns. If you can buy them privately, locally without a FFL involved all the better.

I have taken a different route, ammunition.

I have been buying (stock piling, hoarding if you will) many different kinds of loaded rounds, spent cases, bullets, primer and powder. not for future profit, but for future use. These items are not going to get cheaper and I have the capital now.

Remember, the easiest way the "Gun Grabbers" can win is by turning our firearm into clubs by simply limiting the ammunition (the 2A does not say anything about projectiles)


Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:10 am
by TenMetrePeter
Buy British currency while it is temporarily low.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:03 pm
by kevinweiho
No love for some precious metals in your portfolio?

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:23 pm
by SamEEE
CCI Standard, also Gold Sovereigns.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 11:31 am
by gwsb
Kevin at my house precious metals come from the Eley factory.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:16 pm
by kevinweiho
Don't stock up only rimfire, but also on popular centerfire calibers. I know when all hell breaks loose, ammo is still King of the Hill along with high capacity mags.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:36 pm
by Chia
I'm surprised that no one has mentioned NFA weapons. Those would be a fantastic investment.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:19 pm
by Mike M.
Chia wrote:I'm surprised that no one has mentioned NFA weapons. Those would be a fantastic investment.
Full auto, maybe...but it's damned expensive. Five-figure prices these days.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:05 pm
by Shooterer
Chia wrote:I'm surprised that no one has mentioned NFA weapons. Those would be a fantastic investment.
Not if they regulate the transfer of those items and you now have it for life with no resale value unless you sell it on the black market.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:23 pm
by Rover
If things get bad, it would be a cash or barter economy, just like the current drug trade.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:38 pm
by Chia
Shooterer wrote:
Chia wrote:I'm surprised that no one has mentioned NFA weapons. Those would be a fantastic investment.
Not if they regulate the transfer of those items and you now have it for life with no resale value unless you sell it on the black market.
Even if they further restrict nfa weapons, there will be a grand father clause just like the machine gun ban in 1986. And look at the price of those weapons now...

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:11 pm
by dulcmr-man
Don't trust the "grandfather clause". Among many onerous anti-gun bills, the People's Republic of Kalifornia recently passed legislation banning "high capacity" magazines that were previously grandfathered. Yet another reason to oppose "reasonable" gun restrictions. There ain't no such thing.

Dennis in the PRK

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:06 pm
by Chia
dulcmr-man wrote:Don't trust the "grandfather clause". Among many onerous anti-gun bills, the People's Republic of Kalifornia recently passed legislation banning "high capacity" magazines that were previously grandfathered. Yet another reason to oppose "reasonable" gun restrictions. There ain't no such thing.

Dennis in the PRK
Don't compare California to Congress. California, despite their fervent belief otherwise, are nothing more than a speed bump to the gun industry. NFA guns are big business these days. Over a hundred thousand Form 4s (see page 214) were processed in 2014 alone. The gun lobby will fight that battle tooth and nail, and I flat out don't see Congress messing with that little prickly pear without extreme need. Legally registered NFA Firearms just are not involved in many crimes, so aren't worth going after.

I know that a lot of owners are pessimistic about gun control, but NFA Firearms ain't going nowhere.

Edit: When I woke up this morning I looked through my post and corrected a few typos and errors. Anyone remember ATF 41F and how brassed off people got? Think that on a MUCH bigger scale. The ATF doesn't want to fight that battle, and neither does Congress. And, by the way, the objections to ATF 41F required a 250-page response from the ATF in promulgating those regulations. Seriously modifying the NFA (not just addressing gun trusts and estate planning) would be met with much stiffer resistence.

Re: Investment Advice

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:22 am
by tstamey
The huge increase in Form 4's in 2013 till this summer was due to pending ATF changes in Trusts. The overwhelming majority of those NFA Form 4's were for suppressors which in the real world are nothing but gun mufflers and not firearms.