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training to lower the pistol

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:44 am
by NanoZ.
There are some training to lower the pistol?
I fully understand that it must abort a shot when not all perfectly aligned, but I want to know if there is any training to follow, to get used to lower the pistol.

In a complete match, I down the pistol 3 or 4 times (abort a shot).

Thank you


Re: training to lower the pistol

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 12:26 pm
by Gwhite
Over time, you should develop a sense for what a good shot looks like and feels like. If it doesn't look like that or feel like that, the sooner you put the pistol down the less you will wear yourself out.

If you optimum shot process has you firing the shot within a certain time range, you can also develop a sense for when it's been too long & abort then. A lot of people will take the approach of "I've been holding too long, so I better get this shot off...". That's almost guaranteed to end in a bad shot.