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Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:26 pm
by ArkansasJ
Greetings all. Life long firearms shooter, cometely new to airguns. Got hooked after purchasing a ( don't judge me) 1377 and fell in love with air pistols. I have an avanti 747 on order and am about to pull the trigger on either the FAS or the IZH. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on the subject. Also looking to connect with other Arkansas shooters, doesn't seem to be that popular down here from what I can tell. Thanks all.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:07 pm
by kevinweiho
I would not recommend the 6004 until they have fixed the quality issues. The Izzy is a great pistol, but the up front heaviness maybe a problem for you.
If it is possible, cancel the order on the Avanti 747. Have you thought about a FWB 65, match CO2 or pcp guns?

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:24 pm
by DFWdude
kevinweiho wrote:I would not recommend the 6004 until they have fixed the quality issues. The Izzy is a great pistol, but the up front heaviness maybe a problem for you.
If it is possible, cancel the order on the Avanti 747. Have you thought about a FWB 65, match CO2 or pcp guns?
Agreed. I would cancel the Avanti 747 for certain. Then, I would skip over the FAS completely (unless you can find a 25-year-old, original FAS-604) and the IZZY (agree it weighs too much) and find a good deal on a used Match CO2 (Steyr, Walther, FWB, Pardini) or PCP pistol (same brands).

If you truly are in love with the game, you will go to these better pistols eventually, and the interim steps will all become closet queens. So... step ahead to the inevitable. You won'r regret it.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:30 pm
by ArkansasJ
Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, the 747 will be arriving tomorrow and cannot be canceled. The pcps seem alittle to involved with the pumps/compressors for me at the moment as well as a little out of my price range. The 65 does interest me, but the ones listed that I have seen are just outside of my limit (wife's allowance). If you had to choose one pistol at or preferably below 500. What would it be?

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:41 pm
by Rover
You're limited. Your choices are: FWB 65 (I KNOW you can find one below $500) or a SSP such as the IZH46. You might also find an older CO2 gun such as a Walther CP2 or Pardini K60 which only need a cheap tank that you can trade in for a full one at a welding supply for a few bucks when empty.

Any of these will be fully competitive with what's out there. Don't let anyone tell you different.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:48 pm
by ArkansasJ
Awesome.. Thanks for the replies. I will do some searching and see if I can locate a 65. I've looked through the classifieds on this site, and unless I missed it, didn't see one. Any other good sites to browse? Thanks again for all the input. Sorry for the noob questions.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:55 pm
by Gwhite
Another option would be a Tau-7. I don't think anyone is importing them at the moment, so you'd have to go used. They can use bulk fill CO2, or the cartridges. A far better pistol for the money than a 6004 or an IZH.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:09 am
by ArkansasJ
Thanks for the reply. I haven't looked at the Tau 7, but will check it out.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:49 am
by spektr
I wouldnt slag on the 747 too much... I shot a 777 for the first 28 years of my marriage. With the Nygord trigger mods it can get you well down the road to a good score. It is a bit nose heavy but it is absolutely repeatable, and thats what a new guy needs.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:57 am
by spektr
Some food for thought Another thing is the blue 2 part Walmart repair epoxy for adding a palm shelf and making the grip fit well. Also, there is a really sharp spot on the bottom of the trigger guard where your ring finger supports the gun. I needed to sand on it to make a big radius to keep from getting a blister in a 60 shot match. 5 minutes with a file and sand paper does it...

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 2:01 am
by The Bear
I agree with Spekter on the 747. It is a great starting air gun. If it breaks, it won't cost a lot to repair ( I have only had to replace the seals in it's 20+ years of service). When you feel it is time to move up to another pistol and your budget is up for it, go for it.

For what it is worth, I still shoot my 747 along with my other AP, a Pardini K-58. My average is 540+ with either gun.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:40 am
by Wynne G Oldman
Nothing wrong with an IZZY. Can't beat them for the price, especially as the Rouble's so weak at the moment. They are a bit nose heavy, that's true, but I'd wager that most decent pistol shooters would shoot just as well with one of them as they would with any other pistol out there.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:21 pm
by utemarksman
Stick with the 747 until you can afford a high end pistol. The 747 is an excellent starter pistol for learning the fundamentals. As others have noted it is capable of good scores.

All of our collegiate shooters start with the 747 and, once they have achieved a certain level of performance earn the right to shoot the top of the line pistols.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:55 pm
by ArkansasJ
Interesting article on the 717, but I don't think I'd have the balls to do any machine work on it. The reason I ordered the 747 was the lack of negative reviews and the abundance of recommendations. I think I will enjoy it. It was between that and the Gamo Compact.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:10 pm
by kevinweiho
One good thing about the Avanti 747 in your favor is that if there is a problem, you can literally drive up to Daisy (they're made in Arkansas?) and let them fix the pistol.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:28 am
by ArkansasJ
For sure, they're made up in Rogers. About 3 hours from me, but easier to drive there than overseas I reckon :)

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:25 pm
by SPPcoach
spektr wrote:Some food for thought
That is a great article. I will save that as a resource.
We have 12 of these pistols available for youth shooting programs. They were returned to us after one of the youth groups returned them well worn and in need of an overhaul. A set of seals, several rear sights and a few replacement grips and they are ready to be put back in use again. These upgrades will be well worth the time.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a topic on TT for "upgrades?" Each thread would be labeled for a specific model, including links on the history of the item, 'how too' articles on maintenance, upgrades, parts diagrams, and resources for parts.

Re: Fas6004 vs IZH 46m

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 3:32 pm
by gatobarb
ArkansasJ wrote:Interesting article on the 717, but I don't think I'd have the balls to do any machine work on it. The reason I ordered the 747 was the lack of negative reviews and the abundance of recommendations. I think I will enjoy it. It was between that and the Gamo Compact.
747 already comes with adjustable trigger. You don't need do anything extra if you are not handy. The only thing I wish to have is the palm shelf.