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Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:56 pm
by Lenny
What are the safety rules, when shooting Single Stroke Pneumatic in an AP match?
I may shoot my first AP match this winter, want to practice using the same loading procedure.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:20 pm
by rmca
This is all you need to worry about... Pretty simple... While athletes are on their firing points, their guns must always be pointed in safe directions. The action or breech must not be closed until the gun is pointing downrange in a safe direction toward the target area. When placing a gun down to leave the firing point or when firing is complete, all guns must be unloaded with actions (bolt or locking mechanism) open and safety flags inserted. Before leaving a firing point, the athlete must ascertain and the Range Officer must verify that there is no cartridge or pellet in the gun’s chamber, barrel or magazine and a safety flag is inserted. During firing, the gun may be put down (not held) only after the cartridge(s) and/or magazine are removed and the action is open. Air guns must be made safe by opening the cocking lever or loading port. The handling of guns is not permitted and safety flags must be inserted when any personnel are forward of the firing line. In the range, when guns are not on the firing points, they must always be in their cases, unless otherwise authorized by a Range Officer.

Hope this helps

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:53 pm
by Gwhite
Mostly keep it pointed in a safe direction. Depending on what pistol you have, cocking/pumping it may be a little awkward in this regard. It's been several decades since I shot a FWB 65, but if I remember correctly, I used hook the barrel against the inside of my left thigh to make it easy to get the leverage to cock it. Some shooters/range officers might get tweaky about that these days. I've seen people cock IZH's with them pointed sideways (at other shooters), which I consider a problem.

There are also rules prohibiting expelling gas if you dry fire during the prep period or match. This is no big deal with many pistols, but might be tricky with some.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 7:23 pm
by Lenny
I shoot IZH-46M. I don't see how I can operate the lever while keeping the muzzle pointed down range without breaking position or switching hands. I will have to work on that. Any videos of people shooting a match with SSP?

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:53 pm
by Rover
I find it simple to just twist at the waist, but many here (are you one?) don't have a waist.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:09 pm
by Lenny
Rover wrote:I find it simple to just twist at the waist, but many here (are you one?) don't have a waist.
I have a 34" waist. I am sure I can do the twist, but it's an irritant that doesn't help. 60 times per match.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 8:37 pm
by nglitz
I've shot many a match with an IZH. Not a problem. You don't need to have your pistol pointed at your target during loading, just at the backstop. A moderate twist at the waist and generally keeping the arms - hands - barrel pointed downrange will be more than safe and not bothersome to your routine. Like you said, a little practice and muzzle awareness goes a long way.

I've seen one Izzy shooter flip his barrel over his shoulder while cocking. Totally unnecessary. I asked him nicely to not point it at a fellow Izzy shooter (me) and the second time, asked the RO. To his credit, he did master the sequence rapidly after that.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:00 pm
by utemarksman
My sequence was to keep the pistol pointed at the target, turn my palm up (right handed for me), bend my elbow while lowering my arm (keeping the pistol pointed down range and trigger finger on frame) until my forearm (between wrist and elbow) was braced against my hip. The leaver is operated by the left hand. When the lever is fully extended it is a long reach to the end but I only needed maximum leverage on the last half of the stroke when the end of the cocking lever was in easy reach. At this point the operation is similar to the Daisy side lever pistol (the pistol I started with). Once pumped I turn it right side up and load the pellet.

I didn't have the Izzy long. I sold it to finance a barely used LP5.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 7:28 pm
by Lenny
Thanks to all for the tips. I will see what works best for me.

Re: Safety Rules for SSP in a Match

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 8:28 pm
by Rover
Shoot on the left side of the range. That way all you can shoot is the wall.