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Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:58 am
by siordian1
I was participating in a FP postal match. We shot a total of 6 matches all at the 25 yard line using the B35 targets. I found it very enjoyable and had a few good scores. I have been continuing to practice at the 25yd line using that target. Our International season will start soon and we will be shooting at the 50 yard line. I am wondering if my practice at the 25yd line will adversely affect my shooting at the 50. I would think not but would appreciate any advise. Thanks

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:18 am
by kle
I think the 25yd targets are actually harder than the 50yd/50m targets - for me, having the wider scoring rings on the 50 is comforting. I feel the same is true for NRA Bullseye -- the 50ft and 25yd slowfire targets are more difficult than the 50yd slowfire target. For me. YMMV.

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:21 pm
by shaky hands
The 50ft NRA conventional targets are objectively harder to score well on, the rings are smaller, they are NOT scaled properly even if you remember that the bullet diameter does not scale:
However, 25 yd and 50 yd targets are scaled properly. The perceived difference in difficulty might be related to the fact that the black on the 50 yd target has a smaller angular size than on the 25 yd target (and so it gives a better reference point for aiming the dot sight, at least if your hold is good).
Having said that, the international targets are all scaled properly, meaning that the same angular deviation from the center of the target "costs" you the same amount of points.

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 4:20 am
by gn303
Hi, siordian1,

The difference in shooting at 25 yards and 50 yards is not as much in the size of the target but rather the difference in the ratio between the length of the line of sight and the distance to the target.
Training FP at 25 yards is OK when your attention goes to the correct shooting technique, but it is no substitute for evaluating yours skills at 50 yards.
Over here we lack 50 m ranges, due to a number of silly adnministrative rules, so many train at
25 m indoor ranges. It is more fun (not a subsitute!) than dry-firing, but no comparisom with the real thing.
So my advice, if I may say so, is shoot your FP at 25 yards to train the basic skills, but if you want to evaluate go to 50 m line.
Enjoy your shooting.


Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:10 am
by Bob-Riegl
Before the "modifications" done to an Indoor Range, we used to shoot the 25yd FP Target Indoors. As far as I was concerned I like the 25 yard target as the scoring rings were not as "teeny" and I used to shoot a better score when we used the 25 yard target. Just my observations......"Doc"

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:10 pm
by spektr
We just finished a 6 round postal league up here in the PNW. I will be starting a Free Pistol league/place to shoot as soon as I digest the feedback we are getting.


Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 2:55 pm
by Dan Ide
I would be interested in a Free Pistol Postal at either 50 Ft or 25yds. I shoot in some air pistol postal as is.

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 5:32 am
by cjon600
I'd like to participate in the free pistol postal, have a link to registration?

anybody else shoot the CMP's air pistol postal?

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:52 am
by Heddok
Put me down also

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 10:58 am
by kle
cjon600 wrote:I'd like to participate in the free pistol postal, have a link to registration?
Hmm, me too - now that I have the appropriate NRA B-19 25yd reduced targets and a case of ammo, I can participate.
cjon600 wrote:anybody else shoot the CMP's air pistol postal?
I shot CMP's 2nd Quarter -- I thought I shot about a 560, but their scoring system said I shot a 546 (like it dropped a whole shot or something); I missed the protest period, and came in 4th or 5th. Oh well. Learned my lesson to take good pictures of my targets before sending them in.

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:39 am
by cjon600
kle wrote:
cjon600 wrote:I'd like to participate in the free pistol postal, have a link to registration?
Hmm, me too - now that I have the appropriate NRA B-19 25yd reduced targets and a case of ammo, I can participate.
cjon600 wrote:anybody else shoot the CMP's air pistol postal?
I shot CMP's 2nd Quarter -- I thought I shot about a 560, but their scoring system said I shot a 546 (like it dropped a whole shot or something); I missed the protest period, and came in 4th or 5th. Oh well. Learned my lesson to take good pictures of my targets before sending them in.
I heard that somebody else had that issue too, like the scanner didnt pick up a double hole. I think i read that he emailed them about it and they rescored it for him.

Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 2:58 pm
by spektr



Re: Free Pistol at 25yd

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:46 pm
by left360
kle wrote:
cjon600 wrote:(like it dropped a whole shot or something); I missed the protest period,
I had the same issue the second quarter, not that my score was that high...

Looking forward to the next FP league Scott. Thanks for taking over the helm.
