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Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:59 am
by seamaster
Keith talked about his precision on holding position in his USAshooting News article. He talked about his improvement on positioning over the years. I like his quest for perfection.

Look at his lift and head turn. ...


He lifts arm, swirls it to find the front/back/up/down shoulder sweet balance spot, THEN he turns his head

Looks like a very efficient way to find his perfect balance.

Also his green half shade on his left eye, very functional, very efficient, very cool.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:00 pm
by shaky hands
It looks cool, especially the lift, "gangster style."

I wonder how much of all this gives him any actual technical advantage, as opposed to being some idiosyncratic psychological routine. There is probably no way of knowing.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 10:08 am
by seamaster
Keith is such a student of shooting who pays attention to the very little details.

I am incline to think this major shoulder movement and sequential head turn is choreographed. I think they are probably not for show.

Does it have a major reason? I don't know. But I am sure Keith has an explanation for this shooting sequence.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:58 pm
by Brian Girling
I can not understand why anyone would check their stance with their head in the wrong position, nor have I heard a logical explanation. When I try it as I move my head my arm also moves so what is the point?
I am not a coach (far from it).
I think that the stance/alignment should be checked with the head in the shooting position with the eyes either closed or partly closed but looking down at nothing in particular, then look at the sights and adjust as necessary.
It works for me, whilst I am an Olympian I am not a medallist like Keith S., so perhaps I should have altered my routine long ago.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:10 pm
by shaky hands
Also, keep in mind that he had some arm surgery not too long ago. Who knows, may be his routine has a medical explanation while we are trying to get to its deeper technical meaning.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:56 am
by william
shaky hands wrote:It looks cool, especially the lift, "gangster style."

I wonder how much of all this gives him any actual technical advantage, as opposed to being some idiosyncratic psychological routine. There is probably no way of knowing.
I was taught that technique by a former military shooter who said it helped "lock" the shoulder and elbow into place. It never did anything for me. He was mainly a hardball shooter, and I always suspected that the "locking" was preparation for recoil which I never had to think about with .177, .22 and .32.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:12 am
by seamaster
"gangster" style lift?

I don't see that "gangster" style lift. Yes, he rested his pistol "gangster" style on table. But nothing "gangster" after that.

In his lift, his pistol/arm is ever slightly canted counter-clock wise, which is neutral anatomic position.

I don't really see anything "gangster" about his lift. ...


Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:51 pm
by Deigeh Nisht
It is cool...but I am confused on who's technique to copy.

Should I copy so-and-so's technique. But WHAT, this other guy has a Morini. But she has a Pardini. The the last champion has a Hammerli. He shoots Eley, but she shots Federal.

Dang, this Olympic shooting is so confusing.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:16 pm
by C. Perkins
I do not get it, what is so COOL about it ?
It is what he does, so what...
If you have this thing inside of you to copy other shooters idiosyncrasies then you are lacking.
Do what works for you and that can only come from you.

Just saying...


Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 7:02 am
by BobGee
Brian Girling wrote:I can not understand why anyone would check their stance with their head in the wrong position, nor have I heard a logical explanation.
Try 10,000hrs of practice.


Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:26 pm
by ChipEck
I remember Emil saying he tried to follow Keith's routine....but he hurt himself trying to copy it:-). I suspect it is more important to do what works for you....but also do it EXACTLY the same way EVERY TIME.


Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:53 pm
by Gwhite
I've certainly never seen any book or coach recommend the extreme elevated shoulder stance he uses. I can recall a few that specifically recommended against it. It looks like he's got his chin resting against his shoulder.

Some of the other competitors elevate their shoulders a bit, but not nearly as much as Sanderson. It looks very strained & unnatural to me, and I can't imagine shooting like that for a long match like free pistol. I'm glad it works well for him, but I would never attempt to emulate it.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:04 am
by Brian Girling
BobGee wrote:
Brian Girling wrote:I can not understand why anyone would check their stance with their head in the wrong position, nor have I heard a logical explanation.
Try 10,000hrs of practice.

Training instead of 'practice' would be even more effective, ask any qualified shooting coach what the difference is.

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:03 am
by BobGee
Agreed, though unfocused training can be as unproductive as unfocused practice.


Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:21 pm
by Brian Girling
BobGee wrote:Agreed, though unfocused training can be as unproductive as unfocused practice.

"unfocussed training" that is a contradiction in terms lol

Re: Keith Sanderson's lift and head turn

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:19 pm
by seamaster

Unfocused training is very real.

I teach kids how to play tennis every day.

We practice and we train. To train is to work on specific area of the game. Train on forehand, train on backhand, train on volley, train on serve, train on footwork, train on mental toughness, etc.

Then we practice. We play practice game putting everything together like a real match. We practice to see our total package from training is up to real match level.

Kids can goof around in training. They can goof around in practice.

So I don't see the LOL on unfocused training. Training definitely, absolutely could be unfocused.