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NRA Pistol chairman stepping down

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 4:49 pm
by Isabel1130

This was posted over on the bullseye L board.

I know a lot of you have noticed the turmoil in the competition division of the NRA the last couple of years.

Re: NRA Pistol chairman stepping down

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:30 am
by jglenn
Think the retirement was from Frustration.

Re: NRA Pistol chairman stepping down

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:45 am
by shaky hands
For those not in the loop, what was the problem?

Re: NRA Pistol chairman stepping down

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 11:00 pm
by Froneck
Tom posted the Competitions division was a rudderless ship. I guess he was tired of trying to make things better but no matter what he tried no-one would listen.
The NRA has become an organization run by those that do not participate in the sport so they know nothing about it.
Most of the positions at the NRA are paid, quite well I might add. Tom's leaving may indicate he has something better lined-up. There is some talk about getting Pistol to separate from the NRA just like Shot Gun so maybe something is in the works, I hope so. Not sure what happened with small-bore but they don't compete at Perry anymore. Range change is to High-Power now and the tent they used was given so that now there is a tent behind the firing line.

Re: NRA Pistol chairman stepping down

Posted: Sat May 23, 2015 8:31 am
by SteveT
Froneck wrote:Not sure what happened with small-bore but they don't compete at Perry anymore. Range change is to High-Power now and the tent they used was given so that now there is a tent behind the firing line.
The smallbore move to Bristol IN last year and this year is (supposed to be) temporary to accommodate World Long Range Rifle Championships at Camp Perry. The announcement said they will return to CP in 2016.

Of course there could be changes. When I first started going to CP the Muzzle Loader Championship was the first match, before pistol week. The story was that there was not enough participation to support paying for a week at CP and it was moved to New Mexico.

The tent was put up for pistol week for a few years before the SB Rifle move. I heard the SBR guys collected money to buy the tent. I don't know if they are just being generous letting us pistol guys use it or if the NRA/CMP/OHNG put in some money so others could use it.