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Scatt anticipation question

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:48 am
by 400driver
I apologise if this question has a really obvious answer but..I have just ordered the Scatt Wireless and will have it next week. When setting up for air pistol at for example 5m, where is that 5 m measured from? Is it a front sight to target, rear sight etc?

I will also have to calibrate it, but that will have to be in dry fire. Is it best to use some form of rest to ensure that the calibration shot is aligned with your sights and what you see to be the perfect picture? Or is a vaguely good shot acceptable?
Sorry if these questions are obvious to those already with the machine. I downloaded the manual but the answers didn't jump out at me.
Many thanks

Re: Scatt anticipation question

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:40 am
by jhmartin
5m would be measured from the firing line. i.e. the point where your most forward point of support is (for pistol ... your foot).

You'll see that when you are taking the calibration shot it can be anywhere in a rather large displayed circle.

What you have to realize that that with any type of electronically scored target you are shooting and zeroing to where THE TARGET THINKS THE ZERO IS ... and it might not be in the exact center of the black ...although it pretty darned close.

The deal is not to lose sleep over setting up the system .... it's really pretty easy.

Re: Scatt anticipation question

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:50 am
by kilowhiskey
Scatt calibrates distance from sensor to target array, so distance corresponds to distance from front sight to target.

While you can electronically center the shots after calibrating, I prefer to accept only calibration shots I call a 10, and then not bother with electronic centering; not too time consuming using rifle & sling for me, with pistol, that's another story. But that's why they make rests or kneeling rolls.
Scatt's not that fussy, if the 10 ring is not terra incognita for you, you won't need a rest for calibrating. In reality, it takes less time to calibrate than to read this post.

Have Fun

Re: Scatt anticipation question

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 2:18 pm
by 400driver
Thanks for the replies. I will hopefully find it all obvious next week.