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Lead Free Ammo - Does it damage steel barrel more than Lead

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 3:39 pm
by newenglandairgun
Tin is harder and lighter than Lead but they are both in the soft metal area of the periodic table. From my experience the softer material will wear faster than the hard material so the steel will wear on the tin. Abrasives between the two material will cause both to wear significantly. In airguns we don't have other materials besides the air - steel - tin - lubrication, So where's the Beef? or proof of damage from this alternative soft metal?

Some of us are currently forced into Lead-Free, some elect Lead-Free. Accuracy is a separate issue that has to do with quality of tooling and process control during production runs. I'm sure accuracy will improve as production improve as demand increases. Excess speed will also affect accuracy due to the shape of the ammo and the sound barrier.

So lets' see real evidence and data that wear is a significant issue with Tin on Steel.

I offer this quick find of some quick real world testing. ... es_033111/