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Pistol Grip rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:57 am
by mctrucky
Hi all,

I understand the rules concerning grips, see sections 8.12 and 8.13 in terms of dimensions and angles. But.... When are those angles measured - is it when the gun is in the hand, or is it out of the hand. The difference being that a palm shelf could be surfaced with soft foam which deformed giving lateral support to the hand, yet when measured at equipment control would spring back to original shape. I appreciate this is breaking the spirit of the rules, but does it break the letter of the rules? If not, do ROs and/Jury members have the right to interpret in the spirit of the rules?

Next question - assuming palm shelf, thumb rest and the top overhang are fixed, solid and legal. What about the rest of the grip - can that be made of, or covered in a soft or sticky material? (foam, blu-tac, gel, etc) Does it need to be a hard surface?


Re: Pistol Grip rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:18 am
by David Levene
Can I answer your first question by quoting you 2 rules and letting you make your own decision:-

6.8.4 Jury Members must continuously observe the shooting positions and the equipment of the athletes.

6.8.5 Jury Members have the right to examine the guns, equipment, positions, etc., of the athletes at any time, during training and competitions.

With regard to your second question, a soft or sticky material on "non-measured" surfaces is fine (for pistol).

Re: Pistol Grip rules...

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:15 pm
by apron
Hi , reading your posts , would very much like to read the regulations for the overhang at the front , I don't seem to find it in the issf rules , thanks for your advice , ron.

Re: Pistol Grip rules...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:22 am
by David Levene
apron wrote:Hi , reading your posts , would very much like to read the regulations for the overhang at the front , I don't seem to find it in the issf rules , thanks for your advice , ron.
Nobody mentioned an overhang at the front.

Grip rules are covered by 8.13

Re: Pistol Grip rules...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 8:58 am
by apron
I read in the first post : .... "Next question - assuming palm shelf, thumb rest and the top overhang are fixed..." , I was simply interested to know what are the rules for overhang .....? Thank you.

Re: Pistol Grip rules...

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 9:30 am
by David Levene
apron wrote:I was simply interested to know what are the rules for overhang .....? Thank you.
No problem. It was your use of "at the front" that was confusing.