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MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:50 pm
by rmarsh
Maybe I missed some announcement about the new MegaLink Matters forum. Who is considered to be a Licensed user? Someone who owns a Megalink target along with the software license?

I think a forum to discuss the targets and their use, issues, maintenance, etc.... Is a great idea. There might be more participation if there was an explanation about who can participate and how to register. Yes, I am a licensed megalink user.

Why restrict this to licensed users anyway?

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:37 am
by justadude
I have kind of wondered the same thing.

The section appeared, I clicked and got the message about not having access to that section and I just kind of moved on.

I too am a MegaLink owner. When I have had issues (very few and far between) a quick email to Richard seems to be all it takes to get it taken care of so I have not gotten too concerned about the section.

It is odd though, no instructions or "go here to register"


Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 5:50 am
by Abi
Me too.

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:29 am
by Rutty
Likewise, strange that you cannot register. As for closing it to non-users, well I suppose that it stops people trying to use it for the self promotion of other systems.


Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:32 pm
by m1963
We use the SIUS targeting system. Would the addition of an option, in the forum, that allows for review/comparison of all current electronic targeting systems help to elevate the discussion in this area? Elite Scorer, Mega Link, Meyton, SCATT (?), SIUS, etc.

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:00 am
by Rutty
Having no idea what criteria was used for creating the Mega Link forum we are unsure if the following idea has merit. We use the SIUS targeting system. Would the addition of an option, in the forum, that allows for review/comparison of all current electronic targeting systems help to elevate the discussion in this area? Elite Scorer, Mega Link, Meyton, SCATT (?), SIUS, etc.
Not a bad idea, but it would need moderating to exclude the rather annoying posts that are simply thinly disguised advertising. As for comparison and review, well you can ask for information in the general forums but I feel that an electronic forum ought to be confined to sharing information between existing owner\operators.


Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:06 pm
by pilkguns
Unfortunately things are taking a lot l o n g e r than anticipated to get this forum upgrade done. I am very frustrated about this, but I really don't know what to. It is what it is for now.....

As to the MEGAlink section, once the rest of the forum is function correctly, then I have some things to do to it so it can be used.

Why restrict to registered owners/users ? Because it is intended to be a help resource for those who use the system. If you don't own one, you probably can't help some who does, so why create an environment for trolls?

General questions for prospective owners can easily be answered here in Shooters Lounge as it always has been.

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 5:56 pm
by m1963

You may be frustrated by delays that we do not see. I, for one, am very pleased to have a forum where I can discuss my hobby/passion with others. Thank you,

Respectfully Submitted,

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:45 pm
by rmarsh
m1963 wrote:Sir-

You may be frustrated by delays that we do not see. I, for one, am very pleased to have a forum where I can discuss my hobby/passion with others. Thank you,

Respectfully Submitted,

Well said Brad. As the OP of this thread it was not intention to be critical. Only to inquire about the status of the megalink forum.

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:07 am
by Rutty
In the absence of access to the Megalink Forum, does anyone know how to create new defaults for the Motor Frequency and Motor Length settings on the Course of Fire form?

Re: MegaLink Matters forum

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:36 pm
by rmarsh
Rutty wrote:In the absence of access to the Megalink forum, does anyone know how to create new defaults for the Motor Frequency and Motor Length settings on the Course of fire form?

On my units, once you set the motor frequency and length, It stays at that setting even if I go to another course of fire and come back. Although, mine will occasionally just set itself to something weird like " big bore and no advance" when shooting air. I don't know of a way to reset the defaults though.