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Franklin Green 300x? Hardball Team Match Score

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:14 am
by Don Weihl
In 1966, 1967, or 1968 Frank Green fired a 300 score in the National Trophy Team Match. Does anyone have the records for those years so his exact score can be substantiated?

Re: Franklin Green 300x? Hardball Team Match Score

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 1:32 pm
by RMinUT
Based on match reports in NRA magazines at the time, which covered the Nationals pretty well, I can say for almost certainty that is not the case. I do remember that Don Hamilton shot a 298 during a NTT match of that period and that is the highest score I remember. I will double check, if I remember, but I would have remembered that. I know for certain he and other AF shooters shot 300 during the .22 team match and their record still stands from that period, I shoot with one of the members of that record team.

Re: Franklin Green 300x? Hardball Team Match Score

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:16 pm
by RMinUT
1969 Don Hamilton was high NTT with a 290-12.
1968 did not have a NTT match, it was the first year of no military support of the matches. My friend Arnie Vitarbo won the NRA service pistol match, as it was called that year, with a 293-12.
1967 GySgt Cate shot a 292-13 for high shooter in the NTT
1966 Don Hamilton, USN 297-15 which would have been a record for decades had it been shot during the NTI.

I have no doubt that anybody shooting a 300 during any service pistol match at the Nationals would have gotten press coverage in the Camp Perry Report, they were very thorough then.

Re: Franklin Green 300x? Hardball Team Match Score

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:08 am
by Don Weihl
RMinUT: Thank you for your post
Your comments are interesting and supported by much of the data already collected.
The fact remains though Franklin Green did shoot a 300? hardball score. If you were in attendance at the National Matches in the years immediately after the score was fired, you will remember the targets being posted in the quadrangle where competitors registered. While they were covered with plastic or celophane, after a few years they detiorated to the point of having to be removed. The quest now is not to find competitors remembering the targets being posted, it is to find the official report of the 300? being fired. The quest continues.