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Steyr LP2 or Morini 162MI Short?

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:29 pm
by Scrench
One of these is coming home with me and I just wanted to know your experiences with either one. I know I need to get them in my hands, but something one of you says may be a deal breaker before I have to shell out for both and return one. Also, which is quieter ( I already use duct seal on my targets, so that's not an issue), how many shots do each really get, and are the listed weighs realistic?

Do they both have the same amount of recoil and muzzle flip? I'm coming from an IZH 46. My impression is that either one would probably feel like nothing at all compared to it. And I know that the LP10 is supposed to have no movement at all, but I can't afford one and want a lighter pistol anyway.

Does anyone know the internal volume of the air cylinders so I can calculate how many fills I will get from my scuba tank?

Thank You,

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:12 pm
by Rover

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:19 pm
by Rover
I guess I had nothing to say above.

However many shots you get from the guns you mentioned, you'll get at least double from that from a CO2 gun (and more from the tankful).

Since you're just looking for a toy, go with cheap!

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 10:29 pm
by Scrench
I thought about CO2, but I think it wouldn't be happy here in South Louisiana. Just the other day it was 74 degrees in the morning and 105 with the heat index by afternoon! I'm pretty much sold on one of these two, unless someone thinks the Anschutz LP@ listed elswhere is a better buy.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:12 am
by Haireacane
I keep reading posts about CO2 guns but keep in mind if you travel to events of any size NO ONE provides CO2 anymore. You don't want to fly with a 60 pound CO2 cylinder. You are also correct about the heat and humidty, our building here in South Georgia is not air conditioned and CO2 will not work. It's a shame when the facts get in the way.

Don't understand why CO2 contines to be mentioned as the way to go because those days are long past. How would you like to travel to a match and you cannot refill you cylinders as there is no CO2 and therefore you cannot compete. Also most CO2 cylinders are now out of date and can no longer be used and they are check during Tech.

Not to mention having to have a digital scale to weigh the cylinders, then bleed them if overfilled or chill the cylinders to fill them. I coach 60 4-H kids and I do not miss the hassle of CO2, it's simply a waste of time.

I don't think you can go wrong with either pistol, we have 6 Steyr's and 4 Morini's. Personally I like the Steyr but I've shot matches with both. If you have the chance shoot both as they are quite different.

Good Luck,
David Haire
Tift County Georgia 4-H Shooting Sports

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:43 am
by Rover
Heat index is not temperature. Your 105 heat index is only about 90F, whereas 105F is 105F here in Arizona.

But....since you want the toy: The only mechanical difference between the LP2 and the Morini is that you can get an electric trigger on the Morini.

To me that's a plus and it would be my choice. If you wanted a LP10 you would have that option as well.

Many of the shooters here have gone to the Morini and I've heard no complaints. (Zurek shot a 587 with one recently.)

I suggested the K60 since its fit and features match the K58 you liked. CO2 is common and easy; just fill and don't weigh as you have so many shots it doesn't matter.

BTW You may want to jump on this and help out poor old demented Conradin:


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:43 pm
by Scrench
Here we go again with another equivalent to the Steyr vs Morini, mechanical vs electronic debate. Arizona and typical Western states have dry heat. When I lived in California, 105+ degrees felt more like low nineties here, and I was joyfully playing outside not even noticing the heat while native Californians were huddled inside until it got cooler. Wimps. The humidity increases the density of the air, feels like it bonds to your skin, and greatly exaggerates any temperature, hot or cold. That's one of the reasons I call this place Lousyana.

Vincent is now a happy camper (wealthier, anyway). Funny, he didn't sound demented over the phone (well no more than anybody else who's willing to stand in one place for hours participating in a sport that, at the bottom line is, who can hold the gun the steadiest, or as I like to think of it, who can mimic a zombie the best. They'd be great shooters, no heartbeat). Face it, this makes even golf look like an aerobic event. He did have some interesting things to say about you. And I did take the LP10, which was really not my first choice at all because of the weight, but I'll see if I can live with it, and in the meantime try to find out why it has achieved almost cult status. I can always downgrade from it, and I'll never have the nagging thought in the back of my mind that "maybe the LP-10 is better" if I had bought something else. I might try a shorter air cylinder with it to knock off 60 grams, according to Jennifer here at Pilk.

Anyway, deal done for now, should have LP-10 by the weekend. If anybody is interested I'll give a "LP-10 compared to my Izzy, K58, FWB100, Alfa Proj, K2S" review.

BTW Rover...I've already started back with the pushups...thanks for the nudge.

Best Regards,

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:04 pm
by Rover
Hey, I took care of Conradin no matter what he said about me. Someone has to keep the poor schmuck (and you?) in touch with reality.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:43 pm
by 45ACP223
Scrench wrote:Vincent is now a happy camper (wealthier, anyway). Funny, he didn't sound demented over the phone (well no more than anybody else who's willing to stand in one place for hours participating in a sport that, at the bottom line is, who can hold the gun the steadiest, or as I like to think of it, who can mimic a zombie the best. They'd be great shooters, no heartbeat). Face it, this makes even golf look like an aerobic event. He did have some interesting things to say about you. And I did take the LP10, which was really not my first choice at all because of the weight, but I'll see if I can live with it, and in the meantime try to find out why it has achieved almost cult status. I can always downgrade from it, and I'll never have the nagging thought in the back of my mind that "maybe the LP-10 is better" if I had bought something else. I might try a shorter air cylinder with it to knock off 60 grams, according to Jennifer here at Pilk.

Anyway, deal done for now, should have LP-10 by the weekend. If anybody is interested I'll give a "LP-10 compared to my Izzy, K58, FWB100, Alfa Proj, K2S" review
Congrats, he offered it to me in a PM but I just got home and saw he sold it, so my loss your gain! If you decide you don't like the extra weight, let me know and maybe we can work something out. I bet you like it.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:21 pm
by Scrench

Believe me, if I don't like it, you will see it posted on here again in less than a week. If you seriously want a possible 2nd shot at it, email me so I'll have your email and I'll sell it to you directly.

Rover, Rover...reality? Don't you know the secret to life?

"Life is too serious to take seriously"

Take Care

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:14 pm
by 45ACP223
Email sent :-) I'd also be interested in your comparison to your Izzy and Alfa Proj., and for that fact, any other 10 meter air gun you've shot. The Alfa Proj. still looks like a nice replacement for the front heavy Izzy.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 8:53 am
by Rover
(Music over...bass voice mournfully singing "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen)

Hell, I don't take ANYTHING seriously!

BTW You may wish to jump on this, too:


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:33 am
by 45ACP223
That ad must be from a Troll, he hasn't responded to anyone's questions/comments.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 6:29 pm
by Scrench
Thanks Rover, but I'd go for the Morini short if anything.

45 - didn't get it

Without trying to cause anyone any trouble, our friend who just sold me the LP10 has requested that I send him the rifle trigger currently in the gun, and that he will replace it with a new regular trigger. I know absolutely nothing about the differences in these triggers, but it seems to me a little odd that someone, after the sale and gun has been shipped, now wants to change the item that was originally sold.

Any thoughts, and what is the difference between the two?

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:42 pm
by Rover
Don't snivel at me; I warned you.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:02 pm
by Scrench
45, I would love to know what questions you asked about the gun when you were talking to him. If you wouldn't mind, if you still have his reply to your questions, could you please forward that to me? Did he say anything about the trigger?


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:04 pm
by 45ACP223
Ah crap, I just deleted all his message yesterday. If I remember correctly I asked about the age of the cylinder (1 yr old), gun itself (1999 or 2000), any other mods (trigger shoe, recoil system) I'm not sure if the trigger was modded to the newer ball bearing style or not. I seem to remember the photos showed it was. Yep, that's odd he wants the trigger back. I think that was a $90 optional accessory at Pilkguns (it's listed in his accessories for Steyr). That's about all I can remember.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:49 am
by 45ACP223
Old age, I just remembered he told me he was putting the sale money toward a new LP10E (electronic trigger version), so I'm guessing he liked the rifle trigger shoe setup and wants to swap it out on his new LP10E. That would make more sense. In my opinion, he advertised the pistol with the upgraded trigger so, I would say, it's up to you whether you keep it or swap.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:53 am
by 45ACP223
Old age, I just remembered he told me he was putting the sale money toward a new LP10E (electronic trigger version), so I'm guessing he liked the rifle trigger shoe setup and wants to swap it out on his new LP10E. That would make more sense.

Advert lists rifle trigger

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:59 am
by nick marshall
Have copy if it gets changed.

So I guess you get the trigger in the photo and keep it.

If he said it comes with the standard trigger due to revised price, that understandable if you was told that before you purchased it.

If not, and you prefer the standard do a deal with him. If you like the trigger in the photo, keep it. If he likes it, he can buy another.

I have about 5 different Steyr triggers, really dislike the latest LP10 wide trigger.

The gun in the photo does have the updated trigger, you can see the ball bearing in the frame.

I have sold loads of items over the years, never changed my mind and expected the buyer to return anything.