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Shot plotting and analysis programme

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:24 am
by PeteJ
I've reaslised that the thread I started in Shooters Lounge (here: viewforum.php?f=6) is probably more relevant to Olympic Air and Smallbore shooters.

It now contains some info about a 'universal' Softshot programme from RIKA (who I'm waiting on a reply from about KME electronic target data compatibility), and some comments on how others plot their shots from exported electronic files.

If anyone has any other csv / txt export files from Megalink, Sius, Meyton or other, or any other ideas about how to crunch expert data for a homegrown batch testing use, string and complete group plotting, max score group re-centring and match/session display more generally, please feel free...[viewforum.php?f=6][/url]