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Travel shrink/swell?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:40 pm
by COBelties
We have been talking about traveling this upcoming year to Ft. Benning or Anniston, but I'm a bit concerned about the rifles and swelling due to humidity. We live in a semi-arid desert climate (think OTC) and really havent travelled with the guns much other than in our region. My son shoots a 1907 wood stock smallbore and a FWB 700 air. I'm just curious if we should be concerned about the travel much especially going from arid to humid. If so are there precautionary steps we should take upfront so everything is good?


Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 11:34 pm
by dontshootcritters
I would suggest that you recheck screw tensions before you shoot your match with a practice possibly.Wouldnt take any time just to check sight screws,butt plate etc which is always a good idea after a long flight.Just good house keeping.
All the best with the shoot.

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 3:21 am
by BigAl
Personally I would slacken the bedding bolts before you leave, and then re-torque them just prior to the match. That way you will know they are correct. Dose the 1907 still have the stack of Belleville washers as the 18 series rifles have? They are supposed to keep the torque correct in just this circumstance. Personally I have always slackened the bolts at the end of a shooting session, and re-torqued them again at the start of the next shoot.
