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Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:51 pm
by TommyH

I very recently purchased a Morini 162 EI, it was transfered to a local dealer from the seller. When I called in to the local dealer's shop to pick it up, I was surprised to find that the pistol wasn't in any kind of packaging other than it's Morini carry case, it wouldn't have been difficult for anyone to open the case for a looksee.

Can anyone tell me if there should be a tin of pellets in the case (all the ones I have seen online have a tin of 'Morini match pellets' included) my case did not have any pellets, also the Allen keys in the toolkit were loose - no wrapping as I might have expected.

Thanks for any replies

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:53 pm
by dschaller
I would think that the gun was shipped in something more than just the Morini case. When the gun arrived at the local dealer, he had to enter the gun into his logs. That meant opening the package and verifying the serial number, so don't be surprised that when you picked it up it was in that condition.

Unless the gun was advertised as NIB (New in Box) or specifically stated that it included everything that came with the gun, I would not expect that anything other than the gun was included unless stated when advertised.

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 6:22 pm
by left360
My new Morini 162 EI didn't come with a tin of pellets either. The tools were loose inside the tool case. I was disappointed as well...

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:41 pm
by Freepistol
My "used" Morini 162 EI Short came with pellets, screwdriver, as well as a tool box with tools, all in a Morini case.


Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:34 am
by TommyH

The main dealer confirms it was packaged before it was sent to my local dealer so as dschaller says: it must have had the packaging removed by the local dealer to log it.

I'm satisfied now from all your comments that the Morini more than likely came with no pellets - it was just the thought of someone pilfering from my beloved new 'baby' that was upsetting me.

many thanks for all your replies
