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Walther LP400 Grip Size - where to find the info

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:21 am
by Spaceball
I am looking at a Walther LP400 as a new air pistol and I am trying to find information on how Walther size their grips.
I have looked on the Walther size and their catalog and I can't find any info on how to chose the correct size Walther grip for your hand size.
I know that Walther sizer are different brands.
Does anyone have a sizing chart / info or a link to where I could find this info?

Thank you.

grip size

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:18 am
by kbc
Walther LP400 grips tend to be 1 size smaller than Steyr LP10 grips. I use small grip for LP10, but a medium grip for LP400. Here are my observations on these grips.

1. Walther LP400 medium grip (right) - Its volume and form fit my hand very well. Please see the following link for the definition of form and volume.

At the smallest setting, having the palm rest all the way up, the grip is still slightly wider than the width of my palm. This is not an issue because I can add a thin layer of wood to the top of the palm rest to compensate it. One good thing about this grip is that it allows for cross eye shooting. I shoot with right hand, aim with left eye because of cataract in the right eye.

2. Steyr LP10 small grip (right) - fits my right hand very well. But its angle [see above reference for definition] is not enough for the yaw adjustment to compensate for cross eye shooting. So I have to get a Rink grip.

You can always ask for two different grips to try, and keep the one you like best.


Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:10 am
by Spaceball
Thanks for your reply kbc.

I shot a LP400 tonight which has the standard Medium grip. The palm shelf was not adjusted correctly but the rest of the grip felt good.
I felt that my fingers wrapped the correct amount around the grip.
I would like to try a small to see the difference.
I was also shooting a LP300 Club with a medium grip which I did adjust and it was a good fit. Not sure if the LP300 and LP400 share the same grips / sizing.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:35 am
by joel
I have an LP400 with the small grip. It is pretty small and I might've been able to get away with the medium, but I am shooting it okay and will keep it. My hand is about 82mm across the knuckles. As mentioned, best to buy both grips with an opportunity to return one, if possible.



Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:27 am
by Neon21
with 82mm across the knuckles, the M would be a little bit too big.
My hands are 85mm and I owned a M and a S grip - M too big, S too small..
(But the M is better then, you don't need to fill up so much with compound.)

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:18 am
by jbshooter
Sometimes you are left with no option but to make a hybrid.

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 7:40 am
by Spaceball
Thanks for the reply's.
If I measure across the knuckles (boney part) I am about 82mm.
If I measure across the middle of back of my hand while my hand is flat on the table then it is 90mm.
No stock of the small grip at my local distributor. Still a month till they get them in. Will try and find someone locally who is shooting a small grip and try it.
I guess with the medium it would be a good base to work on. Remove a bit here and add a bit there. Just didn't want to get a grip that is way out of the ballpark.

LP400 Grip Sizes

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:48 pm
by ricchap
The info on the LP400 grip sizes is hidden in their website. Go to:

Carl Walther Sporting Arms website/Sport Shooter Portal/Air Pistol/LP400/Downloads/Walther News 2010/02 /sheets 4 & 5

You will see the recommended grip sizes based on your hand's width. Hope you enjoy your new pistol. A lot of our junior shooters shoot the LP400 and they seem to like it.

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:47 am
by Spaceball
Thanks for the link.
Looks like a Medium should work for me.

Re: Walther LP400 Grip Size - where to find the info

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:37 pm
by Scrench
Thanks for the discussion guys, I recently bought a LP400 Club Carbon Compact with the black synthetic ambi grip. I was going to modify it, but I think I'll just buy a nice Walnut 3D Medium. Problem is, who has them for sale? Seems like no one has them in stock.


Re: Walther LP400 Grip Size - where to find the info

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:17 pm
by deadeyedick
If you are considering a new grip for your LP 400 and need movement one way or the other then consider buying the optional Walther 5D grip which allows an increase or decrease of fullness.

Re: Walther LP400 Grip Size - where to find the info

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 1:21 am
by Ulrich Eichstädt
I'm sorry to have to mention that, but the offered 5D-grip for the LP400 (the early ones delivered at least) has the disadvantage, that you cannot adjust the grip angle, due to a different fixing mechanism (more like for LP300 than for LP400). This has been changed recently for the offered combos LP400 5D, but surely not for seperate available 5D-grips. Better check that before buying (however).

Thanks by the way for that link, ricchap, to, hm, our own website: I wasn't aware that we store a useful info like that hidden in the back. Will be mentioned in the next WALTHER newsletter, I'm sure. By the way: did you subscribe to our monthly newsletter yet? In English or German, different content sometimes.

No direct link yet, go to Carl Walther, Sport Portal
then scroll down for the subscription mask.