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High Blood Pressure and Impact in the performance

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:15 am
by Amr
Dear All,
My Blood Pressure is 130/90 and sometimes is 150/100,

Just I need to know if this rate can reflect badly to my performance in the shooting or no. if no please give me advice or solutions.

I know that the medicine is illegal especially the beta blocker, so I don't know what can I do?

Thanks in advance in your cooperation.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:24 am
by pmessina
Beta Blockers are illegal however, ACE Inhibitors are not. I have (had) high blood pressure and, depending on what kind of physical condition you are in, it could have an impact on performance. My blood pressure was considerably worse than your current level but with a small dose of Lisinopril (10 mg daily) and a consistent physical training program, I lost 45 pounds and my blood pressure now is 109/60 with a resting heart rate of 52 bpm. And yes, my performance in general continues to improve. Ask your physician about ACE inhibitors and see if you can take them.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:38 am
by David Levene
pmessina wrote:ACE Inhibitors are not.
Neither are calcium-channel blockers or alpha-blockers.

Like all drugs they are sometimes used in combination with other drugs that are banned (like beta-blockers) in the same tablet.

If you want to keep clear of banned drugs then YOU must check that the specific medication you are taking is clear. Don't ask for clearance on a forum such as this, it is YOUR responsibility.

I do not apologise for the emphasis in the above paragraph. If certain drugs are banned at your level of competition then you are the person who would suffer from a positive test.

Now that the lecture is out of the way, I did my best shooting with un-diagnosed asymptomatic hypertension. A compulsory medical check before the Commonwealth Games in 1990 showed 200+/120.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:29 pm
by pmessina
David makes a great point about checking to ensure your medication is not banned. I have updated WADA lists at all of my providers offices and they are well aware not to prescribe anything that is not on the approved and current year WADA list.

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