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Morini Free Pistol CM-84E : Two Stage vs Hair Trigger

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:47 am
by Anupam
Hi guys,

Have been wondering whether a Two Stage trigger is better than the Hair Trigger in the Free Pistol Competitions !

A person using the Morini AP is much used to the the 2-stage trigger system and when he competes in the Free Pistol event, he would be at an advantage with the same firing mechanism ! Me thinks... and I am open to debate or criticism to get out some firm logic... !

Request all the experienced friends here to throw up their views on this issue...

Thanks and regards,

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:50 am
by David M
After trying both, single stage set 65g for summer and up to 80g for winter (also for finals and big comps).

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:14 am
by rmca
I agree with David.

The point with 2 stage triggers is that there has to be a "step" between the first and second stage. This step has to have enough weight so that you can feel it and hold the trigger there. This means more trigger weight and therefor more chances for disrupting the sights as you pull.

Because air pistol has a 500g minimum the 2 stage trigger works well, but if you did not had those 500g I supposed that most people would shoot it in single stage like a free pistol.

Happy New Year!

Re: Morini Free Pistol CM-84E : Two Stage vs Hair Trigger

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:44 pm
by paw080
Anupam wrote:Hi guys,

Have been wondering whether a Two Stage trigger is better than the Hair Trigger in the Free Pistol Competitions !

A person using the Morini AP is much used to the the 2-stage trigger system and when he competes in the Free Pistol event, he would be at an advantage with the same firing mechanism ! Me thinks... and I am open to debate or criticism to get out some firm logic... !

Request all the experienced friends here to throw up their views on this issue...

Thanks and regards,
Hi Anupam, I guess it all depends upon how heavy the Hair is. He He

My Morini 84E two-stage trigger has the first stage pull set for 75 grams and

the second stage is set for 110 grams. truthfully, going heavier really wouldn't

hurt the triggering process one bit. I've set the trigger to 50 g, but I really couldn't

control it at that weight.

I even set the trigger(single-stage) on my Pardini 75 first ver. to 120 grams,

and that works well for me even with it's generous roll and no trigger stop.

Try both single and two-stage triggers, and see which one you adapt easiest to.


Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:44 am
by Anupam
Thank you !

Any idea of which compensator helps ? A long one or a short one... the Morini has options for both types... and there are mixed opinions !

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 3:07 pm
by David M
Use the comp that is easiest to clean.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:15 pm
by shadow
May I ask which one is easiest to clean? what are the advantages of installing the comp replacing the stock "sight base"?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:40 pm
by flolo
Easiest to clean is the blow- out comp, followed by the long morini comp, which seems kind of self cleaning, at least it's not clogging that much. Most difficult is the short morini. Advantages: longer sight radius, and acts like a barrel tuner( sometimes in a positive way, sometimes negative, depends on the ammo) disadvantages: longer sight radius (less steady sights), more difficulties in holding because of the created lever, and with the long morini mounted, the pistol doesn't fit in the original case. If you can handle the possible(!) benefits of sight radius and group size, ok, but for me the real noticable advantage is in follow-through and calling of the shots. And in making your fellow shooters jealous...

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:44 pm
by flolo
Forgot: you can also shorten the sight radius with the blow-out comp, whereas with the morini comps it's only possible to have equal or longer sight radius compared to the factory mounted sight holder.