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Help getting into position

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:28 pm
by TennJay
I have a permanent shoulder problem that makes mounting the rifle difficult in the kneeling position, and loading while in that position impossible.

Is it legal to use a stand to help me load and/or mount the rifle? The stand would not touch any part of my body or rifle during the aiming or shooting process.



Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:36 am
by kjbrowne
I believe if you are shooting NRA matches they will make allowances for disabilities. Best bet is to contact the NRA directly. I think they may need pictures to say yes or no.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 8:43 am
by kjbrowne
13.1 Physically Disabled Shooters - A shooter who because of physical disability cannot fire from one or
more of the prescribed shooting positions outlined in these Rules, or who must use special equipment when
firing, is privileged to petition the NRA Protest Committee for permission to assume a special position or to use
modified equipment, or both. This petition will be in the form of a written request from the person concerned to the
Committee outlining in detail the reasons why the special positions must be assumed or the special equipment
must be used. The petition will be accompanied by pictures of the shooter in the position he desires approved
and, if special equipment is required, the picture will show how this equipment is used. The petition and all
pictures must be furnished in exact duplicate. The petition must be accompanied by a medical doctor’s statement
if the physical disability is not completely evident in the pictures submitted.
(a) Each petition will be reviewed by the NRA Protest Committee. The Committee may require additional or
supplementary statements, medical information or pictures. If approved, the NRA Secretary will issue a
special authorization certificate to the individual concerned. Such certificates will have necessary pictures
(b) Shooters who have received special authorization certificates will be required to carry them when
competing in competition governed by NRA Rules, and to present the certificates when requested by
officials of the competition or by NRA Official Referees.
(c) In the event of a protest involving the position or the equipment used by such a shooter, the Official
Referee or Jury will compare the questioned position or equipment with the certificate and photographs
presented by the shooter. If the shooter’s position or equipment does not, in the opinion of the officials,
conform to that authorized by the NRA Secretary (or if the shooter has no authorized certificate or
pictures), the protest shall be allowed and the shooter will be required to change immediately to the
position or equipment which has been approved or to an otherwise legal position or equipment.
(d) Should a protest be carried beyond the Official Referee or Jury, the original protest will be endorsed by
the Referee or Jury Chairman to show the action he has taken and will be forwarded to the National Rifle
(e) National Records may not be established by use of scores fired in special positions or with special
equipment as may be authorized according to the Rule.
(f) Two types of authorizations are issued; temporary and permanent. Permanent authorizations are issued
to competitors who are permanently disabled.

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:52 pm
by TennJay
I had read that, but I don't need any help while in position or shooting.

So far, I can't find any thing that prevents me from using a "prop" to get into position. That would include NRA and USAS.

I have shot 1 NRA match using this technique with no problem; however, it was a local match. I only get to shoot in 1 or 2 USAS events per year, and would hate to practice one way and not be able to shoot that way in a match.

Thanks for your help!!

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:59 pm
by gtrisdale
Some pictures of you in position using this device would be helpful for us to try and determine if it is legal and safe.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:00 pm
by TennJay
Thanks everyone. After every one's posts and pms, I am going forward with using the stand to help me get into position.