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25 yd bullseye

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:26 pm
by firefirst
What would be best 6 o'clock hold or dead center???? for 25 an 50 yd's thanks

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 6:18 pm
by Isabel1130
Best for whom? If you are using iron sights, many older shooters use a sub six for slow fire and sometimes all the way through the match. If you are using a red dot scope almost everyone uses a center hold. If you can see the iron sights just fine against the black of the bull, a center hold works fine for iron sights also.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:55 pm
by fredw4
I am an older shooter using open sights (M41), but I'm also a newbie trying to decide which way is better for me. I'm currently working with both methods, but so far I seem to prefer the 6 o'clock hold.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:33 pm
by firefirst
I am a 6 O clock man my self, tried the dead on and got bad results

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 12:09 pm
by Dave C.
Sub 6 all the way.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:35 pm
by trulyapostolic
6 o'clock here too.

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:28 pm
by C. Perkins
For EIC at 50yds=deep sub six, at 25yds=sub six
Free pistol=deep sub six
10m air pistol=sub six


Re: 25 yd bullseye

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:33 pm
by paw080
firefirst wrote:What would be best 6 o'clock hold or dead center???? for 25 an 50 yd's thanks
Hi Firefirst, What do you mean, by 6 o'clock hold? Do you mean holding so that

the front sight is just touching or almost touching the black bull? Or, do you

mean that there is some white space between the front blade and the Bull?


Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:26 pm
by fredw4
C. Perkins wrote:For EIC at 50yds=deep sub six, at 25yds=sub six
Free pistol=deep sub six
10m air pistol=sub six

Clarence, I believe both myself and firefirst would like to know what a "deep sub six" hold is?

Let me try to explain what I see while shooting iron sights.

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:47 pm
by C. Perkins
Center hold is in the black, I cannot discern the sights in this hold.

Six o'clock to me is just under the black, just touching the black, right at that edge.

Sub six is a bit of white.
I am aiming about 2-3 inches under the black.

Deep six is a lot of white.
Aiming about 6 inches under the black.

To me shooting 10m air pistol is always indoors and the lighting is good and consistant.
I have my sights set up so the amount of white on both sides of the front sight is what is above my front sight.
I am comfortable with a sub six hold.

When I shoot free pistol, which is outdoors, I have my sights set up as I do for the air pistol, but a lot deeper(more white).
It just works better for me.

Just remember that FP and AP are single prescision shots, one at a time.

I do not know if I explained it right, but feel free to ask me to be more accurate with a certain question.

Bottom line is that you do not whant to look at or see the target, just focus on your sight alignment and trigger control, the target will be a blur in your off vision.


Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:53 pm
by oldcaster
Deep sub 6 is haflway between the black and the bottom of the target. I can shoot OK slowfire using the varieties of 6 oclock hold but when I get to timed and rapid, I will climb up with my shots, however I think everyone will have a different opinion about this and it depends on the shooter completely. When I was taught by the AMU in 1965, none of the people ever thought about anything but center hold and never look at the target but front sight only. At that time all had iron sights. Now though a lot of people shoot 6 and do it well.