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Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 4:46 am
by David M
It appears that all shooting has been dropped from the World Masters Games in Torino 2013.

World Masters Games-Italy

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:09 am
by Coach
I suggest that everyone bug them about restoring shooting to the WMG. I have been bugging them and got a reply today. They said:" due to budget restrictions and few people interested in shooting, the WMG Organizing Committee decided to delete the sport." The ISSF has been in contact with them to get them to put it back in, but I think that a large number of shooters contacting them would help. Contact Dino Chiavola at and let them know you want shooting included. Mention the amount of money you would be spending in the area, too. Anyway, hope this helps. Don in Oregon

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:12 am
by Richard H
What was participation like at the last games? Those numbers should be available.


Went and did a quick look and in Sydney there were over 100 competitors in mens air pistol alone. Sounds like a crock that there's no interest. If there are events that don't have interest thats one thing but to cut it completely from the program when even a quick look at the numbers from 2009 show that there was interest is unwarranted. Ask them what their definition of interest is, exactly how many competitors would they consider an adequate amount to demonstrate that there is "interest".

2013 WMG

Posted: Sun May 27, 2012 6:08 pm
by coach
I got an email today, May 27th, from the Program Mgr. that stated that he would try to have someone reconsider the decision on shooting. There may be some hope!! Don in Oregon

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 1:11 pm
by Isabel1130
One of the big problems with shooting in the last games was the fact that they were in Australia. Travel costs were prohibitive, and when you added in all the paperwork necessary to get your guns and ammo into a country, with very restrictive firearms laws, it seemed like too much of a hassle to a lot of people. I think Turin would be different, but if they cancel the shooting events, in advance, they will never know.


Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:25 pm
by coach
I was in Sydney for the WMG and it was not that big a deal to get my rifles in and out of the country. You just have to do a little prior planning and paperwork. Big deal. Also, everyone!!!!! please email them and complain. I sent them a letter with stats from the last 2-3 WMG to show them that shooting has more people entered from more countries than some of the other sports that they will keep on the schedule. Doesn't seem fair to me. Don in Oregon

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 3:57 pm
by Isabel1130
I think the rifles were a bit easier than pistols. I looked at the paperwork and the trivia they made you keep track of was scary (like accounting for ALL your brass) I knew one guy that went and he said, after the fact, that if he knew how difficult it was going to be, in hindsight, he might not have gone. He almost did not get the required permissions in time, and the paperwork required flight numbers and other stuff which meant that you most likely would have to committ to a plane ticket and going before you actually found out if you could get your guns in the country. A pretty expensive bet, when your whole trip is at the whim of one or more bureaucrats.

Re: World Masters Games-Italy

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:18 pm
by gooffalready
This is what I sent to Dino Chivalo at WMG:

Sorry to hear that Dino.

I don't think this is in line with your 2013 WMG Motto: Sport for life, sport for all. Shooting sports have been targeted globally by special interest groups and looks like it has reached Italy as well.

If anything changes please let me know. There is a bunch of us in the US that would participate and spend some strong USD's in Turin.


Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:17 am
by orionshooter
Please post Mr. Chivalo's email address so that we may convey our disappointment and frustration.


Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 9:40 am
by coach
His email is listed above in the second posting by me. Don in Oregon

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:08 pm
by Pyroman
I went to the WMG in Sydney, from Canada, and getting there with my pistols wasn't that big a deal. Just filling out forms. I hope they change their mind for Turin, as I am (was?) planning to go! I shall join in the email barrage.


2013 Turin Games

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:02 am
by Alex L
Hi, Don, in Oregon,

How disappointing that the shooting has been cancelled in Turin.

Obviously the International money crisis is affecting everyone in Europe.
I would not be surprised if a lot of other events are cancelled.

Some people commented on how difficult it was to get their firearms into Australia for the Sydney WMG. I don't think it is as difficult as trying to get a firearm into America to compete, - except if you are in an International Team. Yes, the paperwork has to be done for travel to every country, - especially with hand guns. However if you travel as a team, you are treated very differently. Maybe the proposed age grouping disadvantaged the older shooters. I know my wife was looking forward to seeing some Italian lace while we were there, and catch up with some lacemakers too. A few Australians were interested in the Turin Games, especially those who have relatives over there.

Yes I will send an email supporting all the other emails. I have competed in 2 WMGs here in Australia , with good results (one in my club Yarra, in Melbourne, and Sydney)and enjoyed them enormously , meeting other shooters from all around the world - including you in Sydney. We renewed our friendship when we visited Portland, Oregon in 2010, and you took us around to your Club which was very enjoyable.

I hope the shooters collectively can make a point, and get this changed back, so shooters can have a go, too.
Alex L. in Melbourne.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:31 pm
by duckmeat
Just wrote to the IMGA and to Dino in Torino. Let us see what happens. Shooting is a core sport according to the IMGA Constitution (Art. 9 and Appendix B) and cancelling it without giving an reasonable explanation is not in the sense of fair play. In any case, I requested an official statement.

Good to meet you here, Don!

Jaro aus Wien


Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:41 am
by shayman
Part of the group looking at WMG in Auckland (NZ) for 2017. Analysed shooter numbers in Sydney and numbers greatly exceeded Com Games in Auckland and there were 850 pistol event/shooters and 369 smallbore. Max No for one event (i.e. unique people) 134 for standard pistol (all ages both sexes). This is hardly "small interest".

WMG 2013

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:16 pm
by coach
Hey, folks, don't let up on bugging the folks in Italy about restoring shooting to the WMG program. Check further up in the comments for the email to let them know that there is a lot of interest. We can't let them get away with this. I would love to go to Torino and add Italy to my list of countries I have spent time in. Don in Oregon

Rifle and Pistol Back in WMG!!

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:56 am
by Samhouston

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:36 am
by Spencer
See you there?

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:13 pm
by Isabel1130
Do you suppose there is some reason, there are only two women's pistol events?
When they were in Sydney, any event that did not have seperate women's and men's was a mixed event.
May be just me, but I don't see any possibility of spending 3k on travel and hotel to shoot a hundred shots total.

Torino 2013 World Masters Games.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:33 am
by Alex L.
We wrote to them, and never got a reply.
It seems very confusing - they list the pistol events, then below, say No ISSF events. - so is there Pistol shooting or not?

It sounds like there is a big fuffle over there, and don't write, or perhaps understand English!
There was a numbner of people prepared to go from Melbourne, but as no one seems to know what is happening over there, most have given up, and made other arrangements for a holiday.

Spencer - are you going?
Alex L.

Re: Torino 2013 World Masters Games.

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 4:06 am
by Spencer
Alex L. wrote:...Spencer - are you going?Alex L.
Ray Andrews and I are planning to be there - accommodation booked.