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Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 6:58 am
by dontshootcritters
Hi guys.Is anyone aware of any tutorial dvds for rifle shooting[smallbore]available please.In English.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:28 am
by Rutty
There is a 2 part VHS Video on the 3 Position Match produced by Heinz Reinkmeier and Gaby Buhlmann but it is about 20 years old and not easy to find. There is an even older Air Rifle video featuring Matthias Stitch.

I have seen something in German since then, but nothing in English.


Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 6:45 am
by dontshootcritters
Hi there and thank you for the reply.Crikey I dont even own a video player anymore!! lol

Im really surprised that someone hasnt comissioned some of the top shooters to do some sort of tutorial dvd.Surely there is a place in the market for it.

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 7:58 am
by Rutty
Hi there and thank you for the reply.Crikey I dont even own a video player anymore!! lol
I've still got one, but I'm not sure if I can remember how to use it! Some time I shall get round to having those tapes transferred to DVD.

Some up to date video would be good, but I am not at all sure that it would be commercially viable. Think of how many shooters spend thousands of £/$ on their equipment but baulk at spending a relatively small amount on Ways of The Rifle or Ar Rifle Shooting. Would they buy a DVD? No they wouldn't, they would ask to borrow yours!!


Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 8:29 am
by sbrmike
There are vids available. Navigate through the NRA site to find some. There are also some made by the CMP and others available through Champions Choice(Lanny Basham's for ex.) and others. Many of these are very dated with very young Gary Anderson, Carl Bernoskey, Lones Wigger etc.

I have most of these mentioned. I have had them for years. I am a certified Instructor and Coach, but do not think any of the NRA ones were restricted to anyone.

Edited: Ooops DVD'????? Mine are all VHS. I am a dinosaur, I know.